Thursday 31 December 2009

Year In Review

This is something else that has become a tradition for me on this blog for the past several years, where I quote the first sentence of the first post of each month, and look back at what happened in each month. This year I've been a bit slack at posting so it won't be as thorough!


'Byebye 2008, hello 

- Spend New Years watching fireworks from side of road in Te Atatu Peninsula
- Paint house walls
- Summer School starts, attend others' commercial law classes!
- Ex-neighbours Phillip and Kenneth come to visit
- Hang out with Diane for a day before catching up with high school friends for karaoke
- Aonghas accepted into Bachelor of Engineering
- Help out with children's summer programme at church, dress as a pink butterfly
- Chinese New Year festivals are held!
- Do nothing but go to uni and attend Dessert Club committee meeting for my birthday
- Get blood tests done for surgery, almost faint!


'We had our first youth group for the year on Friday night, and because I remembered that Angie asked me to keep her informed on what was going on with our youth group, I let her know and she was keen to check it out for that night.'

- First youth group evening for the year
- I go in for surgery at Middlemore Hospital and spend four days there
- Attend Lantern Festival with a swollen face
- Attend a training day for Uniguides
- Koreans attempt to baptise me at my doorstep


'I spent my mum's birthday in the city helping out with the Dessert Club stall at Pre-Orientation Week on Thursday. Now before you say what a sad guy, I did promise her I'd come home as soon as we finished at 3pm!'

- Orientation Day at uni and I am a uniguide, help out with orientation up in Grafton and help run the Dessert Club stall
- Celebrate our mum's birthday with a surprise party at the cousins'
- Our youth group go out to watch Watchmen
- Bus breaks down on the way to uni
- Tell the whole class I want to leave pharmacy - a little slip up!
- Our Dessert Club runs a successful Pie Eating Competition with Aonghas coming 2nd!
- Sneak out to Polyfest to watch Cleo perform
- Inject our first mice! :D


'Friday night was our youth group's annual Family Pot Luck Dinner where we'd bring along our families, a plate of food, eat and play games!'

- Our youth group have a potluck dinner with our families
- I wander around uni with bunny ears giving away free Easter eggs from Dessert Club
- Mum gets pulled over by police for speeding
- Our youth group has to clean the bathrooms as part of the big church clean-up
- We walk a long plank of wood home from Mitre 10, getting questioned by the police along the way
- Spend Easter hanging out with our church friends


'Is the world becoming a nastier place? Or do people just not react as well these days whenever they are told something they don't like? In the past two weeks I've been witness to two unpleasant incidents..'

- Mid-term tests!
- Celebrate birthdays of Sunday School class members
- Miss out on part of the University of Auckland Gala Concert and end up waiting outside Town Hall in the rain waiting for free seats
- RIP Mr Hirst, old primary school principal and good friend
- Celebrate Mother's Day by taking mum out to dinner
- Watch Jenny perform at the City Library, while Aonghas and I perform accordion at the Henderson Library
- Bad day in the Chemistry lab with everyone smashing everything
- Pharmacy lecturer yells, shouts and tells us all off for plagiarism


'Last weekend was a bit of a busy weekend, with the annual NZ Accordion Competitions and Benson and Danielle's (two people from our church) wedding taking place, almost at the same time!'

- We perform for the last time at the accordion competitions, dressing up as cowboys for our trio
- Aonghas performs at Benson's wedding
- Our youth group goes to Epsom Girls Grammar to watch Cleo and Jenny perform in their school orchestra
- The hikoi marches down Queen St
- Get kissed on the bus by some random girl on my way to my oral exam
- RIP Michael Jackson
- Relive old memories by attending Rangeview Intermediate's music evening


'I was reading the New Zealand Herald online yesterday, when I came across an article on the University of Auckland holding an event for girls to get to know more about engineering. Guess who I spotted in the accompanying photo? Jenny!!'

- Catch up with high school friends at a restaurant in Te Atatu Peninsula and end up waiting almost an hour for food to be served
- Go bowling with some other high school friends
- Seven reasons given to me by another friend as to why she can't hang out with me!
- Youth group camp! Too much to summarise!
- My braces come off!
- Go ice-skating with Sunday School friends = big FAIL


'Uni has been hell in terms of the amount of sleep I'm getting, and it's not because I'm doing so much study, but because of the 8am starts I have almost everyday!'

- Have to attend a Quality and Safety Workshop with nursing and med students, very boring + require coffee to stay awake
- Join the Medical School Students Symphony Orchestra at Grafton


'One of the highlights of my year, the KBB Schools Music Festival was held a couple weeks ago at Aotea Centre from the 18th to 20th August. Every year I look forward to this event as it is really inspiring (and FREE) watching all these different school music groups perform. '

- KBB Music Festival! Get to watch Rebecca from youth group perform
- Hang out with the Chin sisters in the city after Cleo's performance at the KBB Music Festival
- Graeme our cousin has his 21st birthday party
- Complete my three day community pharmacy placement in Swanson during the holidays, make a fool of myself
- Our MHSSSO have our first and only performance and make it on Asia Down Under!


'Stephanie, this girl in our youth group was to get baptised along with her dad at church on Father's Day (first Sunday of September...almost a month ago!). This of course is a big thing for Christians (or so I'm told!), and so when I first found out a few months prior to her baptism I thought it'd be a good idea to do something special for her!'

- Stephanie from our youth group gets baptised
- Our youth group combines with the city youth group, in which Hannah a girl from pharmacy is in
- Celebrate Estee's 21st with a surprise tea party
- I catch a bus to Sarena's 21st the night before a test!
- The pharmacy social event of the year - the pharmacy ball! 
- I go into a night club for the very first time for Jacqueline's 21st, in the middle of the pharmacy ball
- Have our last EVER accordion lesson 
- Have a tour of Douglas Pharmaceuticals


'For a start, to those who have invited me to their birthday parties that I have not been able to attend, let me just apologise, and that I would have loved to make it but I'm handicapped by living far away out west in Henderson, and am stuck on a restricted license which means I have to be home before 

- Get a tour of Propharma, very exciting...
- Have to complete two big group projects
- Get approached by an escort down K' Road
- Car breaks down twice! On the way to hand in my lab report, and on the way to say goodbye to our accordion teacher
- APSA election craziness!
- Catch up with Scholastica for lunch before she flies off to Korea
- Celebrate Hamish's birthday with some Burger King
- Celebrate Hamish and Aonghas' birthday by going out for yumcha with Sunday School class
- Go laser striking and bowling with high school friends
- Our string group perform at Shirley and Bobby's wedding


'Second semester was by far the busiest and hardest semester I had ever endured and it's been a few weeks now since it has been all over...'

- Perform with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra at their Christmas concert
- Sing carols at Waitakere Hospital with the youth group
- Sing carols outside Chinese grocery stores!
- Celebrate our friend's graduation from AUT
- Celebrate Alice's 21st with karaoke
- Perform at the church's Christmas concert on Christmas Eve
- Celebrate Christmas by leading children's worship, having lunch with cousins and checking out Christmas lights with family
- Boxing Day sales!...disappointing...
- Have a very long phone conversation with my Korean friends Hyun and Joon who live in America
- Watch Avatar at IMAX with Diane and hang out with her

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