Friday 25 December 2009

Merry Christmas!!


Hopefully you lot aren't spending Christmas on the computer, especially reading this because that's pretty sad! Hopefully you're having fun in the sun and spending time with the family instead! :D

I've just had a three hour sleep after spending all night emailing and wishing people a Merry Christmas and having a nice conversation about waxing legs with Grace o.O I don't even know why I did this but I guess it's become a Calum tradition! If I haven't gotten to you then it's because I haven't finished, or I don't have your email/cellphone number!

I've got to go to church and be in charge of children's singing at the children's service today since Gabrielle who usually does it is a bit preoccupied with something else. It's the first time Aonghas and I will have led children's singing on our own, so hopefully it doesn't turn to custard!

I'll talk about the Christmas Eve concert and my Christmas day a little later!

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