Sunday 20 December 2009

Left in Auckland

It's been over a month now since holidays started and besides performing at a wedding and a few other places, I've been at home trying to find something productive to do! Because I don't get student allowance anymore since uni has finished, and I'm on holiday from teaching, I don't have any money coming in and have had to survive on not much money! I really should be looking for a job, but first I've got to fix up my CV, which I haven't gotten around to yet...I have applied for one job though, but applications close in January before interviews are held.

Our friends from our Sunday School class, Nadine, Winston and Leonie all left for Singapore earlier this month on a Sunday, but before they did we were determined to catch up with them at least one more time before they left! Leonie was graduating from AUT and had her graduation ceremony on the Thursday of that week, so we drove into the city and caught up with them briefly to take some photos with Leonie in her gown, before they went off to go shopping and us three Anderson brothers went for lunch. Our mum couldn't catch up with them though because she was preoccupied with something else.

We got to catch up with them again the next day though when my mum was available. Leonie, her mum and her aunty (who won't be returning from Singapore!) were going shopping in Lynn Mall so our mum thought we'd go shopping before catching up with them for lunch. Well, we woke up too late to do any shopping and instead went straight to lunch with them! It was the first time I had food from Long John Silver!

After lunch they were about to go off to Dress Mart to do some shopping. My mum decided we'd go too, so we ended up going all the way to South Auckland to check out Dress Mart. This was the first time I'd ever been to Dress Mart as well! I've never seen so many clothes stores in one building before! I originally thought they'd all be cheap since many of the stores were meant to be outlet stores, but with a lot of them being big brand names like Adidas and Nike, a lot of the clothes were quite expensive! We even saw this one dress that cost about $800! Then again, most of my clothes are hand-me-downs, from The Warehouse or the op shop!

After an hour or two of wandering around the stores with Leonie, we met up with the parents and eventually left just after closing time!

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