Sunday 20 December 2009

A Tribute to Alice

I think my parents are finally loosening the chains on me! My mum let me go out to my good friend Alice's 21st birthday at this karaoke place last night. Usually she doesn't let me go out to far-away places late at night (which will explain if I couldn't make it to your 21st!!), but she actually let me this time! Of course I had to catch a bus there and back.

After my music practice in the morning, I dropped Aonghas off at work before I did a bit of shopping for her birthday present. It was a bit of a rush because I originally didn't think I had enough money to buy anything and was going to add her to my IOU list, but then I thought just in case I don't see her in a while I better buy her something!

I got home after buying the present and fell asleep! I got a headache and a bit of a pain in my jaw which has been recurring for the past few days which is a little worrying. When I woke up I discovered the time and I had missed the bus I had originally planned to catch! Fortunately there was a later one that would get me into the city in time as well, so I caught that one.

I arrived late as usual, but people were just singing so that was OK. There were quite a few people there, and thank goodness I knew a couple people from pharmacy like Nick and Lun Shen, as well as Lisa, one of Alice's friends, I met her at the beginning of the year through Alice. She was tasked with taking all the photos that night.

People took turns at singing songs, and since Alice had heard of the time I sang Britney Spears at the Lantern Festival a couple years ago, she made me sing it again this time! I also did a little bit of Taylor Swift later on, which was fun too.

By 10pm it was time for the birthday cake to be brought in and for all of us to sing Happy Birthday to Alice! Everyone was given a little glass with some alcoholic drink in it (I can't remember what it was) and they all drank it before the cake was cut and we all had a slice. I was about to leave before 10.30 to catch my bus, but Alice asked me to stay as they were yet to have the speeches, so I stayed for a little while longer to hear the speeches.

Lisa, Lun Shen and this other guy (I can't remember his name...sorry!) each gave a speech, and from what we heard, Alice is a really great, supportive friend...which she really is! I now regret not giving a speech when everyone was asked if anyone else wanted to give a speech, as by the time I got home I thought about how Alice and I met.

Alice first added me as a friend on MSN through my other good friend Diane, way back in 2002. At that time they were good friends. While I had only met Diane once, I had never met Alice. I had only chatted to her maybe once or twice.
Usually every year at Christmas time I would email each person on my contact list individually and wish them a Merry Christmas and thank them for all sorts of stuff. Even though I hardly talked to Alice and didn't even know her that well, I still emailed her every year wishing her a Merry Christmas. To my surprise, I would always receive a nice reply from her wishing me a Merry Christmas too!
Being the keen stalker that she is, she regularly followed my blog and so knew a little bit more about me. When we all started uni, I somehow came across her on campus, and throughout that year I kept bumping into her! Eventually we hung out more regularly and got to know each other well!

This really goes to show just how nice a person and a great friend Alice is! She's also a great financial advisor ;)

After the speeches the karaoke continued, and I discovered one of Alice's schoolmates from Mt Roskill Grammar recognised me from the bus (apparently we always catch the same bus!). He just recently moved back to Henderson, after moving to the city. He had also attended the same intermediate school as me for the first year before moving to the city and attending Mt Roskill Grammar! That was quite cool. I'll have to look out for him the next time I catch the bus!

I eventually had to leave the fun to catch the bus home. It was really great being able to celebrate Alice's 21st and hopefully she will continue to achieve great things and keep on inspiring me!

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