Sunday 13 December 2009

The Start of the Long Holdiays

I've been on holidays now for several weeks and I haven't really done
much! I have been out a few times though.

Fortunately I didn't have to resit my pharmacy dispensing assessment
so I got to start my holiday as soon as my last exam finished! It was
perfect timing that the Waitakere fireworks display was on the same
night as my last exam. Since our church is directly opposite the
Trusts Stadium where the fireworks display was being held, we were
able to watch the fireworks from the church carpark..for free! Of
course we had to lock the gates to ensure random people didn't come
in, although I think I accidentally let in one family I thought
belonged to our church when they didn't!

I've been lucky to catch up with a few friends during the holidays so
far. The very week after exams I caught up with my pharmacy friend
Scholastica over lunch at La Porchetta, a pizza restaurant in the
city. Scholastica shouted me lunch for lending all my notes to her
(even though she didn't have to!). She ordered a large pizza, but they
gave us a medium pizza and after she told them, they gave us an extra
small pizza! Go Scholastica!

Aonghas and Hamish had their last exam on the following Monday after
my last exam on Saturday, so we were all able to attend youth group
for the first time since we went to mini-golf with them. It was
perfect timing too, as the dad of one of the guys in our youth group
got some fireworks from a friend, so we were going to light some on
that night! We ended up lighting fireworks in the carpark. I don't
think we exactly followed the safety instructions, as quite a few were
holding fireworks in their hands as they fired into the air! I have to
say it looked a little like a scene from a Harry Potter movie!

November is the month of birthdays, and to start it off on the 17th
was Hamish's birthday. To celebrate, Aonghas and I took him to
Westcity where I paid for Burger King for the guys. We also caught up
with this guy from Rutherford who's the younger brother of this girl
Catherine who used to be in my year at Rutherford. I haven't seen her
since, but apparently she's gone back to Korea!

I got to catch up with my Rutherford friends from the same year when
Shen asked me if I wanted to join them for lunch, so Shen, Jacqueline,
Shrikkanth, Larry, Sarena and I went to the Noodle House in New Lynn
one afternoon for lunch. The lady kept refilling our cups with tea
which was nice.

A week later I got to hang out with my Rutherford friends from the
year below. Gwen, Caroline, Zahir, Chen, Alex, Yeeping and I went all
the way to Sylvia Park to have lunch at Nando's before we went to
laser strike! Nando's was nice, although I'm sure one of the ladies
who worked there was regularly checking up on us, as she would often
walk by and look at us!

We were booked in for laser strike at 1pm so we made our way there
after lunch. While I had been to the one in North Shore with my youth
group last year, I had never been to this place before. What you have
to do is you wear this vest that has sensors, and with a gun you have
to fire at the sensors on the vests of people in the opposing team.
Because Zahir had these coupons, we got to play four games at a
cheaper price than normal.

The first two games were boys versus girls. I wasn't too great in the
first game. Even though the games were only 15 minutes, we were
sweating like pigs at the end of them! We took a break by playing some
of the arcade games outside. Chen had a go at this ball kicking game
which didn't seem to work well. After that, it was back into laser
strike! Another game of boys versus girls saw the boys win again,
before we decided to mix teams. By the last game I got a score of 3900
which was so close to 4000 and a whole lot better than my other scores
which were all under 2000!

After laser strike, we decided to go all the way back to Henderson so
we could avoid the traffic jams. We did a bit of quick shopping for
something nice and cold at Pak N' Save, such as ice-blocks! Then it
was off to bowling!

I had almost my worst game, when I knocked down only 3-4 pins in about
four bowls! Because we had the bowling lane for an hour, there was
enough time for another game, which was a whole lot better for me!
Once I started getting my rhythm and found a good bowling ball, I
started knocking a lot more pins down!

After bowling I had to be dropped home in time for a wedding rehearsal
in which us brothers would be playing together with Jireh and Miriam,
two people in our youth group as string group. We would be playing
Jesu, Joy of our Desiring while the people walked down the aisle, and
You Raise Me Up while the bride and groom signed the book.

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