Friday 22 January 2010

Hanging Out - Take Two

Only a week after spending nearly the whole night at the Chins' house with them and Grace and Sam, this time Grace invited us all over to her and Sam's house for a BBQ on Monday.

We arrived with some coleslaw and met up with everyone who were down in the rumpus room at the bottom of the house. It was slightly awkward at first for some reason, but then Grace gave us a grand tour of the house. They've got a pretty cool house, it's quite big too!
We then all moved out to the backyard where Sam, Aonghas and Cleo tried getting the BBQ running, while Claire, Hamish, Carmen and I sat at the table talking. I admit I felt a little bad not helping out!

Once all the food had been cooked, Grace said grace and we ate! The food was pretty good! I was a little afraid the meat and sausages that the guys cooked would give me food-poisoning, but I'm pleased to say I came out unscathed! 

After dinner we all went upstairs to Sam's bedroom where he played his electric and bass guitar for us while Claire played some computer games on his computer. 

We all decided to watch a horror movie so we went back downstairs. We were all about to watch the movie when we discovered the movie DVD didn't work! Grace had already cooked her perfect popcorn too! 

We went back upstairs to hang out again in Sam's room while he tried burning the movie onto another DVD, but I soon decided to go exploring and went off to check out Grace's bedroom (innocently!) and she, Carmen and I ended up just hanging out in her bedroom sharing scary stories. I don't think they really liked my shaggy dog stories though! Grace also gave me a birthday present too which was a complete surprise! I didn't open it till my birthday, so I'll talk about it and praise her even more in another post!

The others soon discovered us in Grace's bedroom and joined us! By then the DVD was ready, so we went back downstairs. Grace, Carmen and I went down ahead of the others. Carmen decided to hide underneath the staircase and scare Aonghas by grabbing his feet!

Sam made us some ice-cream and we were all hanging out just talking when our mum tried ringing us. I hadn't realised the time was 11pm, so late! She tried ringing my cellphone, but I accidentally pushed the busy tone button! We rang her back and she was telling me how much I have to do and how we should come home. All the others really wanted us to stay the night, and I had no idea what to say, so I passed the phone over to Aonghas. He had a go but couldn't convince our mum this time! We had to leave by midnight!

The mood dropped a little. Grace was killing the mood even more with her depressing songs (haha nah just joking they weren't too bad), so I joined in and had a little singing session with her till it was time to go!

Apparently they stayed up till 4am watching some cartoons! The next day Grace rang us trying to get us to come over once we had finished all the work we had to do! We were meant to wash the house but our parents didn't come home in time. Instead, Aonghas had to work on a couple of videos while I was meant to be arranging music for my cousin's wedding. That was until Grace rang me and distracted me for over an hour! That was OK though, we just talked about various pharmaceutical-related things which was actually good revision for me!

Next time it'll probably be our turn to host a get-together! With the state of our house being the way it is at the moment though, they probably won't be allowed inside our house! It was good hanging out with them again though, and as one of them mentioned it was the thirteenth day in a row they had seen us...or Aonghas at least! (they saw him at work on one of those days!)

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