Wednesday 20 January 2010

Celebrating in Style

Later that last Saturday following that almost-all-nighter I had at my friends from my youth group's house, it was one of my best friends Diane's birthday dinner. We were all meeting at her house first and then going together to Cin Cin on Quay, this flash restaurant in the Ferry Building in the city. I was lucky enough to get a ride with Chen (her cousin) to her house.

There were only a few girls with Diane when we arrived. We just talked for a little bit while having some nuts (edible nuts!). Karmen, one of the girls there does pharmacy with me and had already been down to Christchurch for her hospital placement! I'm going down there in June/July, so it was interesting to hear how it went!

Once everyone arrived, we continued talking for a while and watched Diane open her presents (none of which were from me...I'll explain later!), we all left for the restaurant. Girls got to travel with Diane's mum in the new car, while us guys had to travel with her dad in their jeep. On the way there I got to know a bit more about Devon, one of Diane's other friends. He had some very interesting stories to tell!

Once we got there, we were seated at the furtherest table from the kitchen, right at the back of the restaurant! We had the longest table though so that's probably why! The views of the harbour were great too.

We were allowed to choose one entree and one main, but it was a little difficult to decide since all the dishes had fancy names! I ended up just going with what Chen had!

The food took a while to be served so while we waited we just ended up talking to pass the time away. Chen, Becks (this girl who flats with Diane down in Palmerston North) and I ended up having our own conversation at one end of the table while the others talked about something else.

For some reason whenever I'm in some social situation and I don't have much to do, I end up drinking a lot of water, and so I just kept drinking glasses of water, and the waitress just kept coming back to refill my glass! We knew each other very well by the end of the night! At one point I wanted to get a photo with her, so I finished my glass of water. I was then bursting to go to the toilet, so I went off. When I came back though, my glass had been refilled and the waitress was gone!

After everyone had finished their dinner, the cake was brought over to the table and we all sang Happy Birthday to Diane before she made her birthday wish and blew out the candles. We each got a slice of the cake. I was starting to get full (thanks to all that water!), when I was offered another slice since no one else wanted it! I obliged and ate it!

I really needed to go to the toilet before we left the restaurant, but apparently someone collapsed in the toilet and so it was closed off! Dang! We wandered around, before I started busting to go. We found a nearby bar and Becks and I rushed to the toilet. Boy was that a great feeling afterwards!

We all wandered along the waterfront before walking back up Queen Street and finally found a club/bar they all wanted to go into - the Met! I had never been in this club before (actually, I've never been to any bar except the Zen where my friend Jacqueline had her 21st birthday!). This place was different to the Zen though. There were seats and tables beside the walls with the bar in the centre of the building. There was the DJ's table at the front and a small open space for people to dance in front of it. Our little group were the only ones dancing, as there weren't that many people in the place at that time! I think it was still before midnight. Eventually more people came though! I tried my best to dance. I have to say I was day-dreaming while dancing though, if that's even possible! Maybe only having three hours sleep in the last 48 hours was starting to take its toll!

Just before midnight, we exited the club and walked to outside Burger King to wait for Diane's parents to pick us up. That's when midnight struck and we all wished Diane a Happy Birthday!! Stephanie went in to Burger King to buy some food and I was about to buy some when her parents came!

Fortunately I got my chance to...take a photo with her! She hardly ever lets me to take a photo together with her! And here it is...

So it was a really good night, and I really hope she enjoyed it! I know we had a bit of a discussion the next day as we realised neither of us talked to each other much that night! I don't know why we seem to have a bit of awkwardness between us whenever we've met lately, but we're going to start again and hopefully meet up again sometime these holidays to make up for it all!

Diane's been one of my best friends for the past seven or eight years, ever since we met at her cousin Chen's birthday way back in 2002. After that party, we both just started chatting to each other on MSN and texting each other and somehow have become really close ever since! She's been there for me all this time and I don't know what I'd do without her! We only get to catch up with each other once or twice a year though. These holidays I've caught up with her twice so that's almost a new record!

I've got to get Diane's birthday present finished though! As you may be aware, we both agreed to make DIY presents for each other, and while she finished mine aaaaaages ago, I didn't get hers finished in time for her birthday, so I've set a deadline and I have to get it done in the next two weeks! Hopefully it will be special and good enough!

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