Tuesday 13 September 2005

Two Left!

I sat my chemistry and English exam yesterday. Both were...hmm OK not that great! I had to make stuff up for both so I don't really know what the outcome will be, but hopefully I pass at least!

Today I had calculus. I only had one night to study, and so I was working my way through the differentiation and integration papers thinking this actually isn't too bad! When I came to conics and complex numbers papers, well....they were complex! Again I don't know how well I did but I'm hoping I don't fail complex numbers and conics!

Tomorrow I've got Chinese, and then Physics on Thursday, which I'm set to fail (I told my teacher this but he said it didn't matter as long as I gained experience, and hopefully I might be surprised...slim chance of that happening!)


Aside from exams, being able to come to school whenever and do whatever before and after exams without having to attend classes all day is a great feeling! It's cool hanging out with all the guys and girls!


Voting for student rep closed last Friday. Yesterday before English exams Joon asked the principal's secretary if results were available yet. She told him to come back after school to find out. He did and.....she told him to come back next Monday! And so the waiting continues...


The other day I was in the public library with a friend from my school who had gone to the ball earlier this year. He asked me if my ball partner (yes you Ayesha!) was my girlfriend! Wow we must've been convincing! He was a little disappointed too to hear that Joon and his partner weren't together, and there I shall end!

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1 comment:

  1. lol joon wanted it to be true tho

    and look hyun its too bad u weren't convincing enough.
