Friday 2 September 2005

Rutherford Day

Today was Rutherford College's special day when everyone dressed up,
teachers were in their graduation gowns, and some students were in ties and
blazers. We got a half-day at school which was great, and the seniors had to
attend a Rutherford Day assembly. The guest speaker was Mr Sinclair, a
former history teacher/dean/deputy principal of Rutherford College and later
principal of Lynfield College.

I didn't actually get to hear the speech because I was preparing for the
string quartet performance but apparently it was better than last year's
guest speaker? I had to perform as part of the orchestra, choir and string
ensemble. I stuffed up in the choir but I don't think anyone heard me!

After the assembly, all the teachers, guests and us string quartet members
(surprisingly) had lunch in the staffroom, where people came up to us to
compliment us on our playing, which wasn't too great but oh well! Hyun
seemed to get people muddled up, firstly by telling this man who he assumed
was the speaker that his speech was great. The man replied

"Oh I wasn't the speaker!"

A little while after, we came all agreed that this man who looks a bit like
Mr Watson was the guest speaker. When the man came over to talk to us, Hyun
told this man that his speech was great. The man replied

"Oh I wasn't the speaker! He left a little while ago!"

Apart from that, the food was great, everyone looked great, all went well,
and we got a half day!

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