Friday 9 September 2005

One Down...Five to Go!

Apart from mufti day making this day significant, I sat my first exam - biology. One word...LONG! The exam consisted of two papers - genetics and animal transport systems. I think I spent a bit of time on the genetics paper (trying to work out whether I was supposed to write genes...or alleles?) and then when I came to the animal transport systems paper, I had to write a page each on insects, fish and humans, and then compare each of their transport systems. I'm pretty sure I repeated myself once or twice, but I'm unsure if I wrote the right thing...or even if they could read my writing! I really have no idea how I went so I'll just have to wait till I get my results!

I haven't talked to anyone else who sat the biology exam so I'm not sure how they found the test!

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1 comment:

  1. how come you guys only did two papers?

    We're doing four...T-T
