Sunday 31 January 2010

She Took Our Peaches!!

Someone knocked on our door earlier today, and I got Aonghas to answer the door since the parents were out, I was still in my pajamas and Hamish was still in bed. He came back saying it was some Indian lady asking if she could have a couple or a few peaches and he said OK because he wasn't going to say NO GO AWAY! 

We just carried on doing what we were doing, when Aonghas had a look through the blinds and saw this Indian lady still there picking peaches off our peach trees in the front yard, and she even had a bag with her! He said she had about 20-30 peaches and she showed no sign of stopping anytime soon! Aonghas was worried she'd take all our peaches off the tree, so I suggested he open the front door and just stand there watching her, and maybe ask if she was OK after a little while if she kept going.

Well he went out, and while I was working on the computer I could hear a woman's voice. At first I thought maybe she was having a nice conversation with Aonghas, or that our nice neighbour had spotted her and came over to save us, but it was the complete opposite...

Aonghas opened the door and looked at her as she picked peaches off our tree and put them in a bag, and she even had a pole with her! She was about to leave, avoiding eye-contact with Aonghas. For some reason though she chose to leave by going under our fence! 
Aonghas called out to her to ask how many peaches she took, and that's when the Indian lady came back to Aonghas, and told him that she knew our mum and that Aonghas didn't tell her how many she could take. If Aonghas only wanted her to pick a few, he should've done it himself, according to her!
She then went on to accuse Aonghas of being rude to her for asking how many peaches she had picked! She said she was doing us a favour by picking both the bad and the good peaches and cleaning the garden and that if we want our peaches we should've picked them ourselves! Besides, she had only picked peaches from the bottom of the tree...Well that's probably because she couldn't reach the peaches from the top of the tree1
She asked Aonghas for our mum's phone number and told him that she would ring our mum and would even show our mum how many peaches she picked, and would tell her how rude Aonghas was. 
By the time she was gone, our peach tree was bare!
If I had known what had gone on, I would've come outside to help and defend Aonghas!
Well when our mum came home later that day, she was fuming! She said she didn't know this Indian lady, and that she only vaguely knew her as the lady would sometimes walk past our house. Aonghas said had he known, he would've argued a bit more rigorously! She was ready to take this lady on and said she would scold the lady the next time she came into contact with her.
Our new rule is that if anyone asks for permission to pick fruit off our trees, they have to ask our parents first!

Thursday 28 January 2010

On the Job Hunt

New Years Resolution #6: Get a part-time job, preferably pharmacy-related

I finally got a reply regarding the Maidment Theatre (the theatre at University of Auckland) ticketing person job that I applied for back in December. Apparently there were a lot of 'excellent' applicants that they couldn't offer me an interview. What a shame I wasn't as excellent as them!

Anyway around the same time I received that reply, I noticed a job advertisement on Student Job Search looking for 'Student Ambassadors' for University of Auckland. These would be the people you see stationed around the university campus during Orientation Week with the 'ASK ME' t-shirts, offering directions and advice to students. I never knew those people got paid! I always thought it was a volunteer job, sort of like the Uniguides (which I did last year). 

So I rang up Student Job Search to ask about the job, and the man on the phone asked me a few questions, such as one example of providing excellent customer service was. After I talked about trying to convince people that pharmacy was not just a retail job at the university Courses and Careers Day, he gave me the contact details of the woman in charge of the Student Ambassadors programme.

I emailed her and she requested an interview on the Monday after that weekend, without giving a time or location! I replied during the weekend but hadn't received a reply by Monday, so I tried ringing her on Monday morning to no avail. I tried one last time though and she answered! 

I managed to make it to the afternoon interview, not realising it was going to be a group interview! There were about 10-12 of us in the executive room in the Clock Tower. The lady interviewing us sat on one side of the really long table while we sat facing her on the opposite side.

She asked us questions and we each answered one after the other. I have to say I feel a little uncomfortable with group interviews sometimes, as I'm not one who likes to boast in front of others! If it was a one-on-one interview, I'd just say almost anything to make myself look good! Anyway I tried to make myself sound good without sounding too up-myself! There were a few others who kept going on and on and on...which made me wonder if I should have said more!

The final question was 

"Have you ever asked a Student Ambassador for help, and how did you find the experience?"

Quite a few gave glowing reviews of their experiences with the Student Ambassadors, while I stupidly replied

"I haven't used them before, but I've seen them around uni from time to time and they have pretty cool t-shirts!"

That's not exactly the best answer to give! Fortunately she just laughed and said Student Ambassadors would be getting new t-shirts this year.

Anyway I got an email a week later informing me that I got the job! It probably shouldn't have been too surprising since there are 150 positions. The job only lasts for one to two weeks though, so I should really look for a proper, more long-term job!

If you're attending University of Auckland's Orientation Week, be sure to look out for me!

Monday 25 January 2010

Hitting the Big Two One

I have mixed feelings when it comes to birthdays. While you do feel slightly more special and get to find out which of your friends actually too the time to wish you a Happy Birthday, you also start to feel old and wonder where all the time went!

I can't believe I'm 21 now, well and truly a [young] adult! I've been thinking about this quite a bit already before I hit 21, but reaching that milestone age has sort of reinforced the feelings. I've been thinking about all the things I've yet to experience at the age of 21 that many others have already! I won't go into them all! I've also been thinking about what I've achieved, where I am right now and where I am going...I won't go too much into it right now but let's just say it's a little murky!

Anyway, back to my birthday. Once again I was hoping to do something with some people but in the end I had nothing planned by the time my birthday came around. What started as a bit of a tradition with Hamish's birthday last year where the two other brothers buy lunch for the birthday brother continued. While both my parents were out, my brothers and I were going to take me out to lunch at some fast food restaurant. 

It didn't start off as planned, with the rain falling pretty heavily in the morning which meant we were stuck inside. Once the rain stopped temporarily, it gave us time to quickly go out and deliver the papers, before finally going out for lunch at about 2pm! We ended up going to Wendy's for lunch, since everyone knows Wendy's is the shizznet! Unsurprisingly, Wendy's was good!

I spent the rest of my birthday afternoon just shopping around looking for materials for our church youth group's board that we'd be decorating at youth group the next evening. We came up with a Fridge door design for the board, and so we were shopping for fridge magnets, a fridge door handle and other stuff you usually find on a fridge door. What a great way to spend a 21st birthday...

The following day though we had 'unofficial' youth group in the evening, since youth group would start up properly for the year on the following week. Aonghas and I came up with an idea to go out to KFC with the Chin sisters (the girls from our youth group) and Grace for dinner before youth group, and then go to youth group from there. It could both be a way to celebrate my birthday, as well as being our turn to host the others for dinner (since we went to the Chins' for dinner, then to Grace's house for a BBQ...we could just consider KFC as our house since our house is such a dump no one is allowed in!).

I had to buy a few more materials for the board before I could meet up with them, and so Aonghas and Hamish went to KFC while I went shopping with my mum. We were meant to meet up at quarter to five, but I only got there by quarter past six! They were already seated, and Cleo had already got in the queue since it was so long! We decided to order one of the family packs, and Aonghas and I paid for it. 

Dinner was pretty good, we all got enough food (I hope) and it was good hanging out with the brothers and the girls again. It was the first time I had had KFC in maybe a year or so as well so that was an extra bonus! 

After the meal, Aonghas took Claire back in the car while the rest of us walked over to church for youth group. There weren't too many people there, just us, Jenny, Brendan, Robert and Antonia! While Brendan and Robert hung out together, Grace, Jenny, Antonia and I hung around the board talking while playing around with it, while Aonghas mucked around with his laptop with the Chin sisters. 

We finished the night watching a video Aonghas created that was a summary of everything the youth group done in 2009 - a year in review! They're going to play it again at youth group again next week since not too many people got to watch it that night.

And so that was pretty much how I spent my 21st birthday! In terms of presents, I didn't really get much again this year! I did get one present though, which is one more than last year - Grace gave me a large 21st glass! It was so cool and nice of her. I've already thanked her but I really appreciate the thought! She gave it to me a week before my birthday but I resisted the urge to unwrap the present, just so that I could have something to get excited about on my birthday! I'm going to put it somewhere, or maybe I'll actually drink out of it and think of her every time I do! haha

While I didn't get too many presents, I did get quite a few birthday wishes from people (thanks in large part to Facebook!), and a few emails from a few of my friends which were really touching. They may only be emails and words, but they mean so much more when they remind you of how you've actually made a difference and mean something to someone out there! So thanks Hyun, Joon, Alice and Yan Yan for the emails! 

Also thanks to: 
Joohee, Joon, Mimi, Angel, Diane, Kelvin, Jacky, Chloe L, Ziheng, Alex S, Ji Eun, Julie Ho, Tyler, Andromeda, Anuprita, Mandy W, John Luong, Pita, Liam S, Himesh, Kunsala, Mischa, Melissa C, Jacqueline, Mary Gubb, Jamie Murray, Hana, Hyun, Navya, Stephanie T, Wasif, Chen, Jade, Shen, Lina, Grace, Ayesha V, Hannah, Jane, Cecilia, Edwin, Elena, Jason H, Julia S, Ayesha A, James Z, Mena, Yan Yan, Johnny Wu, Belinda R, Phoebe, Frank, Lun Shen, Mubashra, Timothy, Carmen, Neha, Bevin, Grace L, Troy, Esther, Lucy W, Rhea, Eddie, Jenna, Ai Ping, Anisha, Patrick, Bliss, Michael Y, Teresa, John K, Lydia, Timothy S, Estee, Shelley, Chung On, Claire G, Ashleigh, Emily, Natasha, Fiona, Sarena, Alex D, Grammy, Jamie, Yerin, Asal, Ben W, George, Harley, Chae-Leen, Young-Bin, Grainam, Winston, Disha, Nadine T, Janey, Grace, Alex S, Zahir K, Himesh, Gwen, Janice, Cleo, Angie, Alice, Hyun, Joon, Yan Yan, Cookie Bear, Windows Live, Hussein and Diane

Hopefully I've thanked you all personally and haven't missed anyone out! Roll on my 21st year, hopefully it's a year to remember!

Saturday 23 January 2010

A Visit to the Gardens

Today we went on a church outing to the Botanical Gardens. We had to get to church early as we were all catching the bus there together.

I was expecting the bus to be one of those cheap buses, but it turned out to be one of those flash coaches that had a TV, air conditioning and curtains! Of course we didn't get to watch any TV during the trip though.

I was sitting next to Hamish on the way there but behind Andrew, so I got to listen to some Chinese music that he and Rachel (this other girl) had. One of the organisers of the trip was talking on the microphone along the way, but it was in Chinese of course and so I just ignored him and kept listening to the music when he called out to me on the microphone! I didn't notice until others alerted me!

We finally got to the Botanical Gardens and we got split up into groups before having a walk around, looking at the flowers. The weather wasn't too great to begin with. The clouds were grey and it was spitting a bit. Fortunately it got sunnier as the day progressed!

We stopped for a while to play a few group games, like having to pass a ping-pong ball along a line of people using only either two forks per person or chopsticks. Our team won of course! Another game involved fitting all the team members onto a circle piece of cardboard, and also trying to balance sticks onto a milk bottle lid.

After the games it was finally lunch and I was hungry by then! We all sat together and had a bit of a picnic!

We did a bit more wandering around after lunch, but a few of us had to go to the toilet so we spent most of our time walking all the way back to the entrance to go to the toilet. By then there wasn't much time left so we just stayed there and waited for everyone else to come back.

I was quite surprised at how big the Botanical Gardens was. I haven't been there in ages and don't remember a thing about it!

Friday 22 January 2010

Hanging Out - Take Two

Only a week after spending nearly the whole night at the Chins' house with them and Grace and Sam, this time Grace invited us all over to her and Sam's house for a BBQ on Monday.

We arrived with some coleslaw and met up with everyone who were down in the rumpus room at the bottom of the house. It was slightly awkward at first for some reason, but then Grace gave us a grand tour of the house. They've got a pretty cool house, it's quite big too!
We then all moved out to the backyard where Sam, Aonghas and Cleo tried getting the BBQ running, while Claire, Hamish, Carmen and I sat at the table talking. I admit I felt a little bad not helping out!

Once all the food had been cooked, Grace said grace and we ate! The food was pretty good! I was a little afraid the meat and sausages that the guys cooked would give me food-poisoning, but I'm pleased to say I came out unscathed! 

After dinner we all went upstairs to Sam's bedroom where he played his electric and bass guitar for us while Claire played some computer games on his computer. 

We all decided to watch a horror movie so we went back downstairs. We were all about to watch the movie when we discovered the movie DVD didn't work! Grace had already cooked her perfect popcorn too! 

We went back upstairs to hang out again in Sam's room while he tried burning the movie onto another DVD, but I soon decided to go exploring and went off to check out Grace's bedroom (innocently!) and she, Carmen and I ended up just hanging out in her bedroom sharing scary stories. I don't think they really liked my shaggy dog stories though! Grace also gave me a birthday present too which was a complete surprise! I didn't open it till my birthday, so I'll talk about it and praise her even more in another post!

The others soon discovered us in Grace's bedroom and joined us! By then the DVD was ready, so we went back downstairs. Grace, Carmen and I went down ahead of the others. Carmen decided to hide underneath the staircase and scare Aonghas by grabbing his feet!

Sam made us some ice-cream and we were all hanging out just talking when our mum tried ringing us. I hadn't realised the time was 11pm, so late! She tried ringing my cellphone, but I accidentally pushed the busy tone button! We rang her back and she was telling me how much I have to do and how we should come home. All the others really wanted us to stay the night, and I had no idea what to say, so I passed the phone over to Aonghas. He had a go but couldn't convince our mum this time! We had to leave by midnight!

The mood dropped a little. Grace was killing the mood even more with her depressing songs (haha nah just joking they weren't too bad), so I joined in and had a little singing session with her till it was time to go!

Apparently they stayed up till 4am watching some cartoons! The next day Grace rang us trying to get us to come over once we had finished all the work we had to do! We were meant to wash the house but our parents didn't come home in time. Instead, Aonghas had to work on a couple of videos while I was meant to be arranging music for my cousin's wedding. That was until Grace rang me and distracted me for over an hour! That was OK though, we just talked about various pharmaceutical-related things which was actually good revision for me!

Next time it'll probably be our turn to host a get-together! With the state of our house being the way it is at the moment though, they probably won't be allowed inside our house! It was good hanging out with them again though, and as one of them mentioned it was the thirteenth day in a row they had seen us...or Aonghas at least! (they saw him at work on one of those days!)

Thursday 21 January 2010

A Week with Kids

Last week I spent the whole week looking after kids! Well actually, I was helping out with our church's children's summer programme. It ran from 9-12 each day for a week. We helped out with the programme last year and so the format was similar, except for the theme which was 'Transformers' this year.

The Sunday before the programme started all the helpers stayed behind after church to prepare the church for the programme the next day. A few of us made some robots out of cardboard boxes and tin foil. Grace and I made our first little baby robot! It originally had a Mohawk and abs complete with the nipples, just the way Grace liked it! The others weren't so keen though so the baby robot had it's head shaved and it's stomach sanded down.

We put up a few more pictures, put up the Feel Good wall (for the kids to write compliments about each other), did a bit of piggy-back experimenting before we all went home.

The very next morning we got there and we started off with games. Aonghas and I were in charge of filming and taking photos, so we were taking photos most of the time. 

After that was the first time Cleo and I had to lead the children's singing. I was a slightly nervous as we were going to do a new song and I wasn't sure how whether they'd get it. I had to lead children's singing the day before and even though there were only about ten kids, they weren't exactly singing very loud! Well on Monday they weren't too bad! At first though we had to get over the issue of not having any of the song lyrics on powerpoint! While Jenny typed out all the words really fast, it was up to me to keep the children entertained, so I did a few vocal warm-ups with the children, making them make funny noises. Afterwards, because it was James' (one of the helpers) birthday, I got him to come up front and have the kids sing Happy Birthday to him! I originally planned to surprise him after the singing, but it was a good opportunity to do it while we were waiting for the words! As for the actual singing, at least they made noise when they were supposed to for the new song. The best bit was that they remembered the song when we did it the next day! 

Aonghas and Hamish presented the first 'object lesson' of the week on Monday, which is where the people presenting get to talk about God with the aid of an object. Hamish and Aonghas used balloons as an aid. Aonghas had practised making balloon animals the night before to get it right! He ended up making a balloon dog in front of the children to explain something about God. Hamish then did the explanation before Aonghas gave the balloon to one of the kids who could answer his question.

After a few stories, it was group time where the children got into groups to answer some questions before morning tea and craft time. Monday's craft activity was making a Popsicle stick person with bits of tea towel as its clothes. For some reason most of the children at my table decided to make half man half girl people! Maybe they were indecisive...

Once all the kids left after midday, us helpers got a chance to have lunch before we had a little meeting to review things. After the meeting a few of us helpers just hung out in the room listening to music and singing along to Cleo playing the guitar. That was when we made a huge discovery - that Jenny hadn't heard of quite a few Western artists! It was then up to us to teach her Western pop music artists such as Michael Buble! 

Tuesday was going to turn out to be a Calum day, where I would end up presenting in front of the children quite a few times! After the games in which the children played with a parachute, Cleo and I led singing. We did one verse of the new song we did the day before, and to my surprise a few of the children actually remembered it! We then finished off by singing 'I'm in the Lord's Army', which many of the children who come to our church already knew. They really got into it and sang it so loud! It was great! I tried to do a competition between the helpers and the children to see who could shout out
"YES SIR" the loudest and I have to say the children came out on top!

Not too long after was the object lesson. Stephanie and I did the object lesson, talking about sin with the help of faces that you can look at the right way up and upside down, with one way looking ugly while the other way looking beautiful. I figured that since I talk to the kids every day I'd let Stephanie do most of the talking! I accidentally whacked my teeth into the microphone when Stephanie passed it to me though! 

After Tim and Tania, the two who were the main people in charge of the programme, led a few songs of their own, I was back up in front leading a game called 'Shi Bang' which was similar to Rock, Paper, Scissors, except there were three different moves and whoever did the same move as me would be out! I tried to catch out as many children as I could, in as little time as I could, but according to some of the helpers a lot of the children were cheating by changing their action after I had done mine and while I wasn't looking! I eventually whittled them down to five and just gave them each some points.

After story telling, group time and morning tea, it was craft time, which was where the children had to make 'dirty cups'. It was pretty much making a dessert in a cup that was supposed to represent mud and then put a gummy worm on top. Because most of it had been done for them, craft time was quite short and Cleo and I had been asked to lead one more song before the end of the programme for that day. We quickly came up with Making Melodies, this song which makes all the kids do these weird actions for each verse. When I went up there and introduced myself, one boy called out
"You've said that four times already today!"

I was a little anxious because I led this song the previous Sunday and the children weren't really into it. This time though they were really into it! Before one of the verses I'm meant to call out
"B*ms out!"

but I don't really like to use that word, so whenever I got to that word I'd say backsides, until Cleo shouted the word out. After that I just left a gap there and let the children call it out for me! The children were the loudest during the final verse though where they had to stick their tongues out while singing! I don't know why but maybe they just like making heaps of noise!
We spent the afternoon after lunch cutting out cardboard for the following day's craft activity where the children would be making a nativity scene. After cutting out card though, the Chins, Grace, Jenny and us stayed even longer than expected and just mucked around. Grace, Carmen, Jenny and I were sitting at the table by the amp when Grace plugged her iPod into the amp and started playing Lady Gaga really loud! I would've thought we'd be asked to turn it off straight away, but one of the church people just asked us to keep it down a bit! That was cool! 

On Wednesday after games, Cleo and I led singing again and we did another song called 'Say to the Lord I Love You' where one of the actions is you have to draw a heart with your finger. I surprised Antonia, one of the helpers by calling her up to help me do the actions! She was really embarrassed! hehehe...but hey, the night before Yan Yan bet that I wouldn't be brave enough to get her to come up in front and help him lead singing, so I thought I'd show her, and I sure did! 

There was this boy called Sunni who is really loud and up-front, and he was sitting right in front of me as I was leading the singing. He just stood up while I was showing them how to draw a heart with my finger, and said to me

'Why are you doing it that way? Why not do it this way?'

This wasn't the first time he had interrupted me, and at other times I had responded to him. This time I just completely ignored him and kept going!

Eva and Yan Yan, two of the helpers, did the object lesson using this thing called the 'Sin Block' where they made a block with the word SIN on it disappear. 

Aonghas then played a game with the kids called Mr Squirt, where he had 20 seconds to ask a child any question and the child had to give the same answer to every question, no matter what...and with a straight face! For example, if the word they had to say was 'my gorgeous girlfriend' and Aonghas asked 'What did you have for breakfast?', you'd have to answer by saying 'my gorgeous girlfriend' without laughing or smiling. If you did, you'd get to squirt Aonghas, or else he'd get to squirt you.

There was one girl who completely forgot how the game worked and when Aonghas asked

"Who bought your top?" (with the answer being 'my gorgeous boyfriend'), she answered

"My mum!!"

Aonghas was just completely stumped! He had no idea what to do! In the end he just let her squirt her!

For craft-time, the kids had to make their own nativity scene. It was quite a long activity and many of the children didn't get to finish theirs and had to take them home half-completed.

Yan Yan asked me to bring my yearbook to church and so later that afternoon I got to check out her yearbook while she checked out mine! Embarrassingly, she and everyone else who got hold of my yearbook discovered I was Head Boy of my schools and started reading my 'encouraging' blurb! 

Later that night at home, Aonghas was going to park the car in the garage, but it wouldn't turn on! Not again! Why are we always plagued with car troubles?! This meant the next day we'd only have the use of one car, and because I had to go to hospital in the afternoon and my mum needed to go out, we'd have a few transportation problems! Fortunately we got the other car working for long enough!

Cleo and I led another new song on Thursday morning, called '1,2,3, Jesus Loves Me'. The only thing was I kept screwing up the words to the song! I even had some of the kids correcting me! That day wasn't as good as some of the other days.

Carmen and Grace presented the object lesson, where they did the 'Chemical Cross'. They got to mix chemicals while explaining how Jesus changes our life...or something like that...We had a bit of an emergency before the programme started that day though, when we didn't have any iodine and needed to go down to the pharmacy to get some more. You'd think I'd step in here, seeing as I study pharmacy! Too bad I can't drive...or can't be trusted to drive! We did get the chemical on time though and they presented it without a glitch!

I played the 'Shi Bang' game with the children again, but this time I changed one of the actions to make it completely different to the others. Think: constipated look! This time it was harder for the children to cheat, and with the other helpers watching very closely, I was able to catch a lot more out this time!

The children had to make this hanger out of Popsicle sticks.

As soon as lunch finished, my dad came to pick me up to go over to Middlemore Hospital for a check-up. Last December not too long before Christmas I experienced some jaw pain for a week. The best the hospital could do was to book an appointment for me in January! By then my pain had gone, but I thought it'd be best that I get checked just in case. The orthodontist felt a few areas and did some checks and was confident there wasn't anything serious, and I was on my way! It was so hot that my dad and I stopped by McDonald's for a milkshake on the way home ;)

Friday was the final day of the children's summer programme. We started off with games, as usual. This time it was tug o' war, boys vs girls. I joined the guys to ensure we well and truly beat the girls, but somehow they managed to overpower us! I was left with sore hands after that!

Aonghas and I led a game before singing, called 'ZONK', where it was boys vs girls. Each team had to take turns answering a question about something to do with the children's summer programme that week, and if they got the answer correct could decide to pick a circle to see if they'd get points or 'Z', which meant NO POINTS. If they got points, they could then decide whether to bank the points and let the other team answer a question, or keep going and risk losing all their points if they got a 'Z'.

The way the boys and girls played was quite different. The boys always wanted to risk it and keep going, while the girls were quite conservative and always wanted to bank their points. The boys obviously lost all their initial points after getting a ZONK, letting the girls jump to a huge lead. However, the girls got a ZONK in a later round and in the end both teams were...tied! Who would've thought! Now the best thing to do in that situation would have been to leave it at a draw, but of course Aonghas and I weren't thinking, and decided to do a tie-breaker. We asked the question

'What did you eat for morning tea yesterday?'

and let Tim, one of the programme organisers to choose a child. He chose a girl, and the girl answered correctly. Aonghas then had a piece of paper in each hand. One piece of paper said ZONK, and the other had points on it. It was up to the girl to choose a hand, and she chose...ZONK! Since I was on the boys team and Aonghas was on the girls' team, I was getting the boys to chant and cheer, and when they found out they had won they got really noisy! I didn't notice but I heard that some of the girls were about to cry! That made me feel really bad! That put extra pressure on me to ensure children's singing went well!
At least some of the children were sad that it was our last singing session! I wanted to make children's singing extra special that morning since it was the last, so we first led with the new song '1,2,3, Jesus Loves Me', with me still screwing up the words AGAIN! We then finished off with 'Making Melodies', and without any advance warning, I got all the helpers to come up in front of the children and sing and do the actions in front of them! I hope they had fun!

Andrew and James did the final object lesson, where they had this 'magic bible' in which the first time they flicked through the book the pages were blank, the second time the pictures had no colour, and the third time the pictures were coloured. A few of the kids were quite amazed at that! There is a secret to it but I cannot reveal it...

Craft time was quite fun. Each group had to make a transformer/robot out of the boxes their group had. Our group made this fierce looking robot with red, sharp teeth. One group made a robot sitting on the ground watching TV, another group made a girl robot carrying a handbag and apron? There were a few baby robots and a very tall robot. The parents who were helping with the cooking in the kitchen were asked to pick the best robot, and for some reason they chose the really tall robot! I mean, congratulations and all...but purple group's robot should have won!!!

After group photos, the children's summer programme was over for another year. Us helpers had our own lunch, and got ice-blocks too! I also brought Bob the human embryo model I had made at uni a few years ago to show Grace who was keen to look at it. I also got to check out her yearbook! I think I got to check out Andrew's yearbook the day before and Eva's yearbook the day before that too. It was cool seeing other people's yearbooks!

We had our final meeting before having to tidy up the church. A few played badminton, and eventually they all left and it was just the Chins and us left. We mopped and vacuumed a few floors before finally leaving church ourselves. We all decided though that we should come back to church later that night to have a little informal get-together, just to eat and talk. We invited a few others from our youth group but none of them could make it, so it was just the Chins, Grace and us!

We had some pizza, drinks, dumplings, and Cleo and Aonghas went out to buy some dip for the chips...oh and Lipton Tea. However, one of them put that on the dashboard and it went flying out the window so we didn't get much of the Lipton Tea! It was good hanging out with them that night though, and a good way to end a week of hard work!

A few more highlights/memorable moments during the week:
- A girl called Petra always liked to sit on people's laps, including Grace's! Somehow though she fell off and whacked her head on the ground and started crying. Tsktsk Grace! :P
- Andrew was great with children! He had these little boys sitting on his lap or lying on him, with at least two boys on him at one time!
- There was this one helper who none of us recognised, and I soon discovered she was from another church. I then made it my mission to try talk to her and get to know her better before the end of the week. Success? Well no...the day I finally got to talk to her was on the last day, and all I could get out of her was that she was from the Howick church! Stupidly I asked her which church was better. That's definitely NOT how you start a conversation with someone!
- Some children got hold of the water gun used for the Mr Squirt game on Friday and ended up squirting me all over!
- Daniel, one of the helpers managed to 'wow' us and the children with his card tricks. Apparently he has 16 packs of cards at home!
- I got a few compliments on the Feel Good Wall, such as:
"Calum makes an awesome curry" (OK I admit I wrote that one myself...I can't even make curry...)
"Hamish, Aonghas and Calum are brothers"
"Calum is good at singing" (yay finally a real compliment!)
- I was helping out with the purple group, which had the oldest kids in it. We started off with ten kids, and by Friday we were left with five kids! At morning tea I was able to tell them that they could have two drinks each! 
- One of the kids in the group was a brother of one of my high school friends, called Annette. When I saw that his friend's phone was a Nokia N97 (an almost $1000 phone!) and wowed at it, one of the boys exclaimed
At the time I had no idea what they were talking about, and thought maybe they were mocking me, but then they explained that's how Annette reacted when she saw the N97 too! Oooooh right...

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Celebrating in Style

Later that last Saturday following that almost-all-nighter I had at my friends from my youth group's house, it was one of my best friends Diane's birthday dinner. We were all meeting at her house first and then going together to Cin Cin on Quay, this flash restaurant in the Ferry Building in the city. I was lucky enough to get a ride with Chen (her cousin) to her house.

There were only a few girls with Diane when we arrived. We just talked for a little bit while having some nuts (edible nuts!). Karmen, one of the girls there does pharmacy with me and had already been down to Christchurch for her hospital placement! I'm going down there in June/July, so it was interesting to hear how it went!

Once everyone arrived, we continued talking for a while and watched Diane open her presents (none of which were from me...I'll explain later!), we all left for the restaurant. Girls got to travel with Diane's mum in the new car, while us guys had to travel with her dad in their jeep. On the way there I got to know a bit more about Devon, one of Diane's other friends. He had some very interesting stories to tell!

Once we got there, we were seated at the furtherest table from the kitchen, right at the back of the restaurant! We had the longest table though so that's probably why! The views of the harbour were great too.

We were allowed to choose one entree and one main, but it was a little difficult to decide since all the dishes had fancy names! I ended up just going with what Chen had!

The food took a while to be served so while we waited we just ended up talking to pass the time away. Chen, Becks (this girl who flats with Diane down in Palmerston North) and I ended up having our own conversation at one end of the table while the others talked about something else.

For some reason whenever I'm in some social situation and I don't have much to do, I end up drinking a lot of water, and so I just kept drinking glasses of water, and the waitress just kept coming back to refill my glass! We knew each other very well by the end of the night! At one point I wanted to get a photo with her, so I finished my glass of water. I was then bursting to go to the toilet, so I went off. When I came back though, my glass had been refilled and the waitress was gone!

After everyone had finished their dinner, the cake was brought over to the table and we all sang Happy Birthday to Diane before she made her birthday wish and blew out the candles. We each got a slice of the cake. I was starting to get full (thanks to all that water!), when I was offered another slice since no one else wanted it! I obliged and ate it!

I really needed to go to the toilet before we left the restaurant, but apparently someone collapsed in the toilet and so it was closed off! Dang! We wandered around, before I started busting to go. We found a nearby bar and Becks and I rushed to the toilet. Boy was that a great feeling afterwards!

We all wandered along the waterfront before walking back up Queen Street and finally found a club/bar they all wanted to go into - the Met! I had never been in this club before (actually, I've never been to any bar except the Zen where my friend Jacqueline had her 21st birthday!). This place was different to the Zen though. There were seats and tables beside the walls with the bar in the centre of the building. There was the DJ's table at the front and a small open space for people to dance in front of it. Our little group were the only ones dancing, as there weren't that many people in the place at that time! I think it was still before midnight. Eventually more people came though! I tried my best to dance. I have to say I was day-dreaming while dancing though, if that's even possible! Maybe only having three hours sleep in the last 48 hours was starting to take its toll!

Just before midnight, we exited the club and walked to outside Burger King to wait for Diane's parents to pick us up. That's when midnight struck and we all wished Diane a Happy Birthday!! Stephanie went in to Burger King to buy some food and I was about to buy some when her parents came!

Fortunately I got my chance to...take a photo with her! She hardly ever lets me to take a photo together with her! And here it is...

So it was a really good night, and I really hope she enjoyed it! I know we had a bit of a discussion the next day as we realised neither of us talked to each other much that night! I don't know why we seem to have a bit of awkwardness between us whenever we've met lately, but we're going to start again and hopefully meet up again sometime these holidays to make up for it all!

Diane's been one of my best friends for the past seven or eight years, ever since we met at her cousin Chen's birthday way back in 2002. After that party, we both just started chatting to each other on MSN and texting each other and somehow have become really close ever since! She's been there for me all this time and I don't know what I'd do without her! We only get to catch up with each other once or twice a year though. These holidays I've caught up with her twice so that's almost a new record!

I've got to get Diane's birthday present finished though! As you may be aware, we both agreed to make DIY presents for each other, and while she finished mine aaaaaages ago, I didn't get hers finished in time for her birthday, so I've set a deadline and I have to get it done in the next two weeks! Hopefully it will be special and good enough!

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Body Clock: Out of Order

We haven't had youth group on a Friday night since mid-December, but we still see our youth group friends at church every Sunday. The parents of the Chin sisters who are in our youth group (Claire, Cleo and Carmen) were out from Friday till Saturday morning, and so the girls invited us Anderson brothers to have dinner and hang out with them along with Grace and her brother Sam, who are their close family friends. Grace also goes to our youth group as well.  

We went over to their house later in the evening and while I hung out with Grace, Carmen and Sam just listening to their music and playing with their dog Happy (apparently she likes me??) while Aonghas, Cleo and Hamish went out to buy the food.

They eventually came back with the pizza, tacos, nachos and some other vegetables. We did a bit of cooking...well the girls did most of the cooking. Cleo and Sam played with the mince on the stove while Grace chopped the little tomatoes and I scooped out the avocado!

Once we got all the food sorted we had our taco's for dinner! It was a bit messy for some but it tasted good! 

We mucked around for a little while. Sam played his guitar for us, and Cleo and I practised our songs for the children's summer programme since we'd be leading the singing, before we decided to watch one of the Saw movies, I can't remember which one but I think it was Saw IV. It was gruesome! I have to say though that I'm getting better at watching these gory movies after having seen a lot of this sorta stuff in pharmacy!

As we approached midnight we got a phone call from our mum asking us where we were, and I managed to buy some time buy telling her we were watching a movie and that it would finish by 1am, so we got another couple of hours. Aonghas had to ring her later on to try buy some more time and in the end somehow got us permission to stay the night, or at least till early morning! 

Halfway through the movie though I went into Cleo's bedroom and Cleo and Grace tried straightening my hair! Apparently I look better and a lot more Asian with straightened hair! Maybe I should get it permanently straightened! I've always wished for straight hair. I really hate my half curly hair!

Aonghas also got the makeover treatment and tried on some make-up, although I don't really know what he tried on, as he washed it off quite soon after! 

While he was getting it done, Carmen and I just chilled in the lounge listening to the music on her iPod Touch, as she tried explaining to me the concept of Japanese music and guys that look like girls, or something like that! The biggest and greatest discovery though was Girls Generation! If you get a chance, look up a song by them called 'Gee'! Apparently the eight Korean girls who make up this group all have had plastic surgery. No wonder they don't look too bad! Carmen and I had a little discussion as to which ones we thought we were hot.

Eventually we all gathered together again to have some ice-cream. While I was playing with Carmen's teddy bear Montgomery, Grace chucked a blanket over me and ordered me to sleep! She tried brushing my hair to make me sleep but it wasn't going to work! Oh yeah I forgot to mention, we were still having our competition to see who could fall asleep first! 

We continued to muck around, listening to music in Cleo's bedroom, singing to Jesse McCartney and just touching stuff (objects not people!) while Hamish and Claire took a little snooze in the lounge, till somehow the time eventually reached 5am! We thought we'd better leave and head home before our parents woke up. As we drove away, Carmen and Grace went for their morning run alongside our car!

We managed to get inside without waking the parents. Aonghas just went to sleep on the couch while Hamish and I sneaked into the bedroom! Sadly, I somehow managed to fall asleep before Grace grrrrrrr! At least I got three hours of sleep before we all had to go to church for our children's summer programme meeting.

We thought we'd be late there, but the girls arrived even later! We all just learnt about the crafts we'd be getting the kids to do. I have to say I started to get a bit weary and dozed off a little while we were going through that! 

After the break, Cleo and I had to teach all the helpers the songs we'd be leading. I wasn't too sure how it'd go since we were going to do two new songs, but they all seemed to learn them quickly! I guess they're children's songs after all!

I had to leave the meeting slightly early though to go to my friend Diane's birthday dinner. Hopefully I'd still be wide awake!

Thursday 7 January 2010

Girls These Days...

I only now realise I probably shouldn't have put 'Find a girlfriend' as number one on my list of New Years' Resolutions for 2010 as that kinda makes me slightly desperate! I forgot to mention though that my list is not in order of priority, and that that particular resolution just happened to make it to the top since it's probably one that hasn't changed in the five years I've been making New Years' resolutions! 

As for my New Years' resolutions, I decided to add another one, 'Not to make any bets', since I always seem to lose bets and it isn't such a great idea to make bets. Unfortunately I've already failed at that resolution! I made a bet with Grace, a girl from my youth group that I would stay awake longer than her for the past several days, and so I've been texting her into the early hours of a few mornings with one time lasting up to almost 5am! I always thought I stayed up pretty late at night, but I seem to always end up falling asleep! I guess that tends to happen when you're lying down. So far the score is 7-3 to her, with the winner being the first to 10. I don't know what the loser has to do just yet, but one thing I'm sure of is that I'm not going to lose! I guess the upside to all this is I'm getting to know her a whole lot better! She'll probably get really bored of me soon though. That'd improve my chances of winning though ;) ssshhhhh....

I had to lead children's worship at church last week, and have to do so again this coming Sunday. In fact, I'm helping out with the children's summer programme at church all week next week and they've asked me to lead children's singing together with another girl in my youth group! Anyway back to the point, I almost failed with one of my other New Years' resolutions - 13. Be Nice to Daisy. For those who don't know, Daisy is this girl at my church who I first happened to meet at the end-of-year concert at the music school I teach. I was backstage with my students, warming them up when she comes along and starts mocking me! From then on I've picked on her at a friendly way of course! She picks on me first!!! I guess that's the way we've sorta bonded (is that the right word?) although towards the end of the year she started complaining I was picking on her! So I promised her I would make it one of my New Years' resolutions to Be Nice to Daisy

My first challenge was when I had to lead worship last Sunday morning. She came in with her friend. Some other girl mentioned something about her being emo and being gangster, so I innocently asked if she was an emo gangster, and she accused me of calling her an emo gangster!

The next thing I know, I hear from some of the girls after I've led worship that someone commented that I sing weirdly! I may sound funny because I get into child mode! No guesses as to who made that comment...Be nice Calum, be nice Calum, be nice Calum...

Anyway there's this girl at church who I...have to deal with (I won't name any names) who keeps accusing me of being lazy just because she always sees me on Facebook and I always happen to be watching TV whenever she sees me on Facebook. She then starts going on about how she thinks my brother (Aonghas) will be more successful just because he has a job at Cotton On! OK so I don't have a job right now and am still trying to look for one (so if anyone can help me out, let me know!), but I've tried reminding her that I do have a job...for most of the year - I teach music! 

I actually enjoy my job too, and if I was offered a job at a pharmacy that would clash with my teaching time I would rather teach than to give it up for a pharmacy job! I just find teaching music so much more rewarding and fun, especially knowing you're starting a child off on a musical journey (as cheesy as it sounds!). I also have the freedom to plan my lessons and pretty much do what I want in my own classroom, and have the coolest boss, as you could probably tell! So little girl, I do have a job and I enjoy it thank you very much :D

And finally, it's one of my best friends' 21st birthdays this weekend. We both agreed that we would give each other meaningful, sentimental birthday presents and so lately she's been telling me how she's been working on my present and how great it is, while I'm still at the thinking and planning stages! I have a few ideas but I don't know which one to go with, and what she'd like the most! If anyone has any general ideas of something sentimental I can do or make, let me know!

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Starting off with a Change

2010 arrived with a slight disappointment - Auckland Sky Tower fireworks! They seem to get worse each year, but then again it probably is (and feels) a lot more exciting when you're in the city as the clock strikes midnight. As for us though, we spent the final moments of 2009 and the decade with Jason Gunn and his pre-recorded New Years countdown show. It was a mixed bag, bits of it funny and some of it not so much.

Fifteen minutes before midnight though my brothers and I jumped in the car to travel across the bridge to Te Atatu Peninsula to watch the fireworks over the harbour. Te Atatu Peninsula has some great views, and it seems as though a whole lot of other people knew that too! We found a side street to park down and waited till midnight came. The fireworks shot out of the Sky Tower and the cellphone networks crashed slightly, but what was more exciting was the atmosphere, all the people in the streets cheering and shouting 'Happy New Year!'.

Since then. I've been spending the beginning of 2010 not really doing much, except starting to sort out music for our cousin's wedding. I've found some cool songs, such as Love will Keep Us Together, Accidentally in Love (from Shrek), Swear it Again (Westlife), and quite a few others. Now the task is to arrange them for an accordion trio!

We've also been doing a bit of home renovation. We shifted everything out of our front porch so that Aonghas and my dad could cover the floor with wood panels. My mum and I then painted the walls white (they used to be a yucky dirty yellow colour). Next we'll have to finally get around to painting our hallway after we stripped it of wallpaper several years ago!

Today though we finally washed half of the house using the '30 Seconds Spray and Walk Away', famous for the TV advert with that Japanese guy! I have to say it actually works, even if it takes longer than 30 seconds! In previous years we've had to scrub the house hard to clean it, and that is what has probably turned me off washing the house. Then again, who would enjoy washing their house anyway? This time though all we needed to do was spray the house with 30 Seconds, scrub a little and then wash with water! We had a few problems with avoiding getting the stuff on our skin and faces though. It managed to stain Aonghas's clothes!

We've washed two sides of our house today, but discovered that our house isn't even painted properly! On one side there is a patch right in the middle which hasn't been painted over! It's not too obvious since it's white and the colour of the paint we used to paint over is creamy white. I guess that will be our next job these holidays!

Tuesday 5 January 2010

The Top 100 Baby Names in New Zealand 2009

The list of top 100 New Zealand baby names for 2009 has been released! No surprises as to the top baby names though for girls and boys. Sophie was the top name for baby girls (no change from 2008) while once again Jack was the top name for baby boys for the fifth year in a row!

Some of the more uncommon names such as Zion and Chase appeared as 89th and 90th most popular names for baby boys respectively, while in the top 100 popular baby girls' names, some interesting names that feature include Nevaeh, Peyton, Piper, Lola, Anahera, Manaia, and Aria!

Surprisingly, Callum (which is close enough to my name!) was the 78th most popular name for baby boys in 2009, compared to 70th in 2004, 69th in 2005, 53rd in 2006, 76th in 2007 and 89th in 2008.

If I was to compare my name's popularity with my brothers Hamish and Angus (close enough to Aonghas!), the trend in the past five years would look something like this:
Anyway the full Top 100 Baby Names for Boys and Girls in New Zealand 2009 are as follows:


To see more (including lists for the past five years), click here.