Sunday 7 October 2007

Jacqueline's Birthday Get-Together

Tonight a 'sausage-fest' gathered to celebrate Jacqueline's birthday! Well not quite a complete sausage-fest, as there were one or two girls including Jacqueline, but most of us guys went over to Gengy's for a buffet dinner and then Spooker's for some..after-dinner entertainment!

Initially, my mum was worried when I told her that I would be going all the way to South Auckland. Because Jacqueline would be giving me a ride, she kept going on...

"Has she got her full?"
"Has she ever driven to South Auckland before?"
"It's dangerous at night, especially when you're driving to a faraway place like South Auckland"

I kept reassuring her that I trusted my friends!

Anyway I eventually persuaded my mum to let me go. I went over to Shen's house to wait for Jacqueline to pick us up. When she eventually arrived, TJ and Michael were behind her in their 'souped up' car. We went over to pick Nick up before we went to Gengy's in South Auckland....oh and don't forget a few wrong turns along the way!

We got there and got into eating! The whole process was a little different to what I had experienced before. You had to pick your own raw food and put it in this little bowl. Then you handed it to these cooks who put it on this big stove/grill thing and they diced it and cooked it there on the spot. They would then hand it back to you so you could add rice or whatever to it afterwards.

The first time I went to choose my food I didn't know this, and I was looking at the different options, a little confused as to why everything looked uncooked! My first plate was therefore full of vegetables! The following plates contained heaps of meat though!

I had an interesting and intellectual discussion with Nick tonight about politics and issues amongst other things which was pretty refreshing!

After we had had enough rice and meat, we had some pancakes with ice-cream, before we sang happy birthday to Jacqueline and let her cut the cake! I don't think too many people actually ate the cake since they were already so full!

We then jumped into cars to head off to Spooker's. I jumped into the car with Micheal, TJ and Ben which was pretty loud (I think it had turbo and these huge subs, like a boy-racer sorta car?). We just went driving around in circles, in between times when Micheal jumped out of his car to chase cats! They then pulled into this car park of a motel. I think all the people in the motel rooms must've heard the car because these people were coming outside and looking out over their balconies at us! Eventually Geoff, one of Jacqueline's friends, returned from having gotten changed into different clothes and so we followed him out, while Gavin, Issac and Shen in the other car followed us.

The drive there was really long and dark!! We eventually got there but had to wait a while for Jacqueline who went to pick up Teresa. Spooker's is located at this former mental hospital. They've jazzed it up a bit and have all these zombies and weird people who try to scare you. After hearing stories that you can wet your pants, the guys were busting to go to the toilet! While we were standing there, you could hear all these people screaming from inside the building! We were all testing our torches for the forest as well, as we were required to have a torch for every four people.

Micheal kept creeping up to me and trying to scare me, making me jump! I don't know how he managed to keep doing that to me for so many times! Inside the haunted house and the forest it was a different story though!

At Spooker's the birthday person gets to wear a fluorescent bib and they get to be scared even more than the others, and so as soon as we found this out, we all got Jacqueline to wear it, and this really freaked her out!!!

When we went into the haunted house Jacqueline, Teresa, Gavin, Issac, Shen and I were in one group, and it was really funny. Jacqueline and Teresa were screaming and shrieking and grabbing onto Shen who did really well to look after the girls! We went into this area where these freaky army guys with guns (not real ones of course!) made us line up and face the wall, then told us guys to do press-ups one-by-one. When I got down and did mine, the guy kept telling me I only did two! I did another one and he would just say


Gavin and I got ahead of the group so we sneaked around the corner and managed to scare the others! There were also these little side rooms, such as this dentist's room where this freaky dentist guy grabbed Shen first and put him in the operating chair, before chucking him out and grabbing Ben. There were also these guys with chainsaws who crept up behind us, old ladies with fake blood smearing it on people's faces and screaming girls!

We went into the forest next. We remained in the same group, and this time we had to rely on torches to find our path. There were these ghoulish people who jumped out from behind the bushes, causing Jacqueline and Teresa to scream!! The sign if you were too scared and wanted to be left alone was to shout out STOP and hold your hand out, and they definitely did that a few times! I even managed to scare them a few times by suddenly turning around and shouting out loud at them!

A funny part was when we had to walk into this shed and these dead-looking people were calling out

"Jaaaaaaackkkkiieeeeee....Jaaaaaccccckkkkiiieeeee.... Which one's Jackie?????"

The girls all pointed out to Issac, and then they went


They then said I was Teresa and one of those people came up to me and kissed me!!

I don't think anyone quite wet their pants in the end but I'm sure a few of the guys....well especially the heaps of frights! I was told by Teresa that I had the biggest balls which kinda makes up for constantly being jumpy when Michael kept scaring me at the beginning! While a few of the others went off clubbing (I was thinking of just going for an hour but I had dressed in my worst clothes for fear of getting them stained with the fake blood!), I caught a ride home with Michael and TJ, and experienced my first drag race...of sorts! They were travelling down the motorway when this Asian-driven car was alongside them. When the guys speed past the Asian, the Asian started speeding up! Then on the other side of us these Pacific Islanders in their car started trying to race us! We fortunately slowed down as we came up to another car in front of us!

Thank goodness I made it home alive! Anyway it was a pretty fun night and now I've just got to get my birthday present for Jacqueline sorted so I can give it to her on Tuesday (her actual birthday!!!).

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