Wednesday 17 October 2007

Interesting Facts from Psychology Book

Here are a few interesting facts I found while doing some health psychology study during the past week:

Men who understand others well which means being able to read their emotions are likely to be more socially successful and compete more successfully for females. Thus males may have pressures both to feel and not to feel...

Men inhibit expressions of fear and sadness more often whereas women are more likely to inhibit expressions of anger. How much gender differences in regulation of anger are not entirely clear though. Recent research has found that women express as much anger as men but only if the target of their anger is not present.

Females are more cognitively complex (the reason behind their attitudes are more logical and specific) than males but men and women in close relationships have similar cognitive complexity. We are drawn to people who are at the same level of cognitive complexity to us.

Research consistently finds that when people feel and act attractive, others are more likely to see them that way.

- From Psychology : Australian and New Zealand edition by Drew Westen, Lorelle Burton, Robin Kowalski

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