Friday 26 October 2007

Here's Hoping It's Easier From Here On In!

After a few weeks of intense study the MEDSCI exam finally came yesterday. I spent the day prior to the exam trying to cram in as much as I could at the Waitakere Central Library. The funny thing was that there were two others sitting nearby who were studying the same thing as me! There were a few distractions that day though. I caught up with Matthew, an old friend from Rutherford College who I haven't seen since 2006 (he was in Rutherford Idol! lol) He's been traveling all over the place and is now studying to become a counsellor.

When the hunger finally set in I wandered over to the takeaways (our favourite takeaways!) to buy some chips and ate them at Westcity while trying to revise on vision! It just happened to be about 3pm when all those school kids had just finished school. Just as I was heading back to the library, I caught up with my cousins Janice and Korina who were still in their Henderson High uniforms, eating chips bought from the same takeaways!!

I spent that night cramming and cramming before waking up slightly late in the morning and missed the bus I had originally intended to catch. Fortunately Hamish and I caught the next bus which got us into the city an hour before the exam. I spent most of that time doing some last minute study in the library before heading towards what I thought was the Human Sciences Building (where my exam room would be) fifteen minutes before my exam. I got there, looking for lecture theatre HSB1, but when I saw all the lecture theatres labelled with BIO or something like that I went back outside and realised I was in the Biological Sciences Building! I found a nearby security guard who pointed me in the right direction and I managed to cross the road and find my exam room just in time!

The exam itself so...not too sure how I did. Probably not too well but we'll see! Due to the reflection of the light I didn't see that they had written up the times on the white board. I must've gotten something mixed up when I looked at the watch because I found myself finishing about half an hour to an hour before I was supposed to (that's after I was rushing and rushing!!).

I caught up with Kat and Melissa and Aneesya's friend Dominica afterwards who was in the same exam room as me and wandered outside for a talk until I caught up with Hamish. Hamish and I then strolled off to Grafton and the first thing I did was return the Principles of Anatomy and Physiology book! I've had enough of that book for one year!!!

So that's one down, another three more to go, with ECON151G on Monday and POPLHLTH101 and HLTHPSY122 on Thursday. I actually only discovered those two exams were on Thursday, not Wednesday, as I had always thought 1st November was on the Wednesday for some reason!

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