Saturday 13 October 2007

Coming Close

Exams are just about a week and a half away now, and after realising how badly I have to do (I actually mean how well) I've been trying to get back into full study mode. I had one of my most productive days yesterday managing to study for several hours straight, covering a grand total of....four lectures (in-depth though!!) before I went to the KiwiAsian Club AGM.

I actually saw the boyfriends of two of my friends for the first time yesterday...I think! I saw Josefia (this girl from my school last year) walking by holding hands with her boyfriend. I haven't actually talked to her in ages!! I heard she's doing well though so that's good! I also saw the boyfriend of another friend, but I won't disclose who because I don't know if I'm allowed to...

Anyway at the KiwiAsian Club AGM there were video presentations and slideshows of photos of club events over the past year. Of course yours truly didn't feature in any of them as he only took part in a grand total of two events! After that though, the seven 'P-Execs' - members vying for positions in the club executive had to give speeches one by one, followed by questions from the floor. Our very own Melissa and Kat did their speeches, along with a few others. I only really knew five of the people - Kat, Melissa, Mark, Le-yo and Bettina. They all gave pretty good speeches, but then the questions from the floor were dominated by this row of people who seemed intent on trapping our poor P-Execs! They were asking all these petty questions, with the relevance of some of them being questionably trivial! When Kat was about to face question time, I had an easy question prepared for her just in case she needed respite:

"How well do you think you will manage to juggle both the workload of being a KAC executive and a busy fine arts student?"

OK that would have probably taken a dig at her being a fine arts student (she gets a couple days off a week! How unfair! I'd need that at the very least to recover from three days of Health Science classes!!!) Anyway she didn't need it as she wiped the floor clean with those question-askers!

The voting forms were then handed out. We were allowed to vote for four people and four people ONLY. I was having trouble deciding who I would vote for, as I had promised five people I would vote for them! So the next best for all of them!! That obviously meant my voting form was deemed invalid, but oh well at least I kept my word!

In the end Marcus, Kat, Bettina and Danny got elected. Congratulations guys, even to those guy I don't even know! I voted for you all!

On the topic of voting, who here has actually voted in the local body elections? I know I'm a keen follower of NZ politics and a bit of local politics to a certain degree. This has also been my first chance to exercise my democratic right, but for some reason I just couldn't be bothered. The little booklet they send out to you with the voting form containing paragraphs about each of the candidates isn't that substantial. Each of the candidates just talk about their background and what they've done for the community, but not really much in terms of what they stand for or what they'll try and achieve if elected. The issues that seem to have been mentioned by a few candidates this time around though seem to have been paid parking in the Henderson CBD and rate increases.

According to a NZ Herald poll though, incumbent mayor Bob Harvey is about ten percentage points ahead of the second-highest polling candidate John Tamihere, and I doubt that is likely to change. And here I was thinking about voting for poor Peter Chan, just because he's Chinese...but then that would be a silly way for me to make use of my vote...

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