Saturday 20 October 2007

A Good Way to End It

There is still almost a week before my first exam and I'm already tired of studying, having done about six-seven hours a day in the library this week! I don't even know if I've remembered everything I've studied! It's been a week filled with review lectures thank goodness!!! No new content! That is a definite relief.

I had my last lab on Thursday which was based on ventilation. I ended up parting with $2 to hire a lab coat because I didn't think I would need it for this lab. My lab partner Sheena and I joined with the pair behind us Abbas and Rita and went around trying all the various ventilation equipment. We had to blow into this thing and breathe into that. It was really funny watching other people do it! At the end of the lab the lab tutors ran a little competition to see who had the largest vital capacity (I think it was that??) and the best guy could exhale 7 litres while the best girl could exhale around 5 litres!! My best was only about 4.5 litres! How shameful is that! I must not be all that fit!

After, Sheena and I took a few photos with the lab tutors. I was about to leave when I realised I didn't have my glasses on and that they were still in the pocket of the lab coat I returned! It was not till we left that I realised how sorta sad it was, being the last ever MEDSCI lab, and possibly the last lab in anything I do, unless I quit Health Science!

On Friday morning it was our last ever MEDSCI lecture. I was with Henry and we all had to fill out evaluation forms. It was funny because I could see what some people in the row in front of me wrote:

What did you like about this course?

"Colin Quilter"

Colin even told us about how he's been teaching at Auckland University for about 25 years now and he once got a comment on how much better looking is legs were to his female colleague! To read about my own Colin Quilter experience, see my previous post ;)

I then had my final MEDSCI study group, and it must've been this study group that made me realise how cool it was and how much I'd miss it! Andy, our uber-cool MEDSCI study group co-ordinator and tutor (even though he's a 1st year like the rest of us!) had organised a MEDSCI bingo game to help us revise in a fun way. Every time someone got three or four in a row we would get a piece of chocolate, and whoever got a complete row and called out

"MEDSCI [insert MEDSCI related word here]"

would win one of four prizes. The first game which was based on the reproduction topic was won by this guy Paul, who I got to meet at the study group that day. I came second and got the second yet-to-be-revealed prize. The next game was based on the respiratory system, and because Paul, some girl sitting in front of us and I had the same bingo card, we, along with three others, called out bingo! We then had to have a tie-breaker, and after accusations of cheating, I got disqualified (What? Me? Cheating? I swear that MEDSCI course guide under the table wasn't mine...!) and the two girls in front of us got the remaining two prizes.

The prizes were then revealed. One of them was a boogey prize. I ended up getting some peal milk tea (thanks Andy!!!! :D), while the girls got bars of chocolate, and poor old Paul got the plastic cup with tissue in it (yep that's the boogey prize!).

It was a great way to end the semester and the year, and I met some cool new people such as Paul and this other girl...I think her name is Tiffany...but it's a shame I didn't get to meet the people in the study group a lot earlier so I could get to know them a lot better. I admit that when I'm in an environment where I feel dumb (such as MEDSCI study group) I tend to shut my mouth for fear of saying something stupid, but playing games yesterday was a good way to socialise. Now it's the end of the year though and most of these people are likely to quit Health Science while I'm likely to end up sticking with it! That reminds me I've still got to get email addresses and numbers from my uni friends before it's all over (which I should've done a lot earlier in the year...what a procrastinator..)!

I decided to go home early due to some really loud music from the uni quad travelling through the library walls. Later that night I went to Rutherford College to perform with Aonghas yet again at this music concert organised by the school teacher Ms Faaea to fundraise for new musical instruments. The cause was even advertised in the Western Leader! As opposed to the formality of the Studio Shows, this one was more of a casual show since most of the acts were bands. It felt a lot different when we got out on stage and performed Bohemian Rhapsody. Aonghas got off to a great start by announcing:

"Good evening my name is Calum...I mean Aonghas"

but after that it was pretty fun when everyone sang along to us playing. My mum wasn't much of a fan of the rock music that followed though, and so wasn't our neighbour who she brought along (which we never knew either!) but according to her it was an 'interesting experience.'

So, another academic year over. Exams are fast approaching, and I'm only just starting to realise this! I may not see some of my friends or be in any of their classes again!!! No time to be sad though, it's all about study study study...

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