Saturday 6 October 2007

Back on Track

Well I eventually finished my essay on Wednesday morning. I about to fly out the door but when I grabbed my shoe I found the cat had vommited into it! I ended up walking around uni with shoes a few sizes too big that day!
As soon as I got to uni I decided to change my essay again and it was only at the last minute that I had my essay completed. I was going to submit it online to the Turnitin website when I discovered I was having problems! Fortunately my tutor said it didn't matter.
I went to the Dessert Club AGM later that evening where they elected people to positions. They also asked me if I wanted to take on some sort of higher role in the Dessert Club, possibly in the events team or elsewhere, so I said I'd be keen to. Next year you might see me around with the Dessert Club then!
On Thursday I went to this Student Life Christian meeting thing with Ayesha and they had this interesting speaker who told us about personality profiles. We did this activity which could determine whether your personality is PLAYFUL, PEACEFUL, POWERFUL, or PRECISE. I turned out to be peaceful!
Later that day I had my Medsci lab where we were learning about blood pressure and how to measure it. That was fun! We got to use real stethoscopes like how doctors use them, even though they hurt your ears! I decided to check Ebay to see how much they cost (you know, so I can look like a doctor haha) and they range between $40-$200+. We measured our blood pressure at rest, and then one of us had to do some exercise so we could measure blood pressure after. My lab partner Sheena got me to do the exercise so I ended up running down the road and back up, and then a quick trip to the toilet (to also put on some deodorant!). It turns out my blood pressure is normal! Phew!!
Today after my single lecture and study group with Andy and the crew, I went to watch Jenny Chen (great violinist who used to lead the Rangeview Intermediate School orchestra if any of you can remember!) before having a meeting with my scholarship mentor. That was a little depressing for me! My mentor's great, but I think I've let him down once too often. We were just looking at what I really wanted to do and what I should do next year. I just kept coming up with more and more ideas which didn't seem to narrow things down!
Afterwards I caught up with Alice for the first time in a while and went with her to her Information Systems lecture which turned out to be pretty interesting - about biometrics and other emerging technologies! Man I wish I was studying something like that..or law!
We then went to the bus stop while discussing ways of making money!!

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