Thursday 24 March 2005

Our First Loss

Oh by the way I forgot to mention about our debate on Tuesday against McAuley High School. Well…we lost. It was our first loss for the year as well. The scores were 315-105. The adjudicator didn’t mention what we did that caused us to lose, but said it was one of the closest debates she had to adjudicate (I bet she says that at every debate she adjudicates!). I at least got speaker of the day anyway so that compensated a little for the loss. However we’re likely to fall in the rankings, and because the next highest Rutherford team at 16 won, they’ll probably leap above us.


We talked to the girls from McAuley High School afterwards and they were actually pretty cool! They were mostly of Samoan and Pacific Island decent but that didn’t mean anything, they were really funny people!

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