Saturday 5 March 2005

In Another World

We beat Diocesan which was really good 323-314 (I think it was) to us. My speech didn't go too well though. I dropped the documents I was about to table, and had to instead plonk the mixed-up pile of papers down. I then went slightly overtime and had to cut some bits out of my speech. When the adjudicator commented on each of our teams, he was like:

"When I first heard your speech [Diocesan's first speaker, remember that she was also the first speaker of the debate], I thought that you guys were definitely going to win!"

It's amazing he thought that way even before he heard the other team's case! I wonder if it's because they're just Diocesan, the rich private girls school who should be the best at everything because they have everything and can afford it unlike Rutherford.

I have to admit that I was stunned upon arriving at their school. There were girls sitting outside on benches playing around on their laptops, and the main office was several stories high! The classrooms in this big building all had projectors in them, smartboards (like whiteboards only that they're like a huge touchscreen which can also be connected to a laptop) and each table had those swingy-round office chairs that can go up and down! Man do I wish I went to Diocesan, and not because of the girls!

Chen's team was up against St Kentigens (another rich private school), and unfortunately they lost, but at least a little bit was salvaged from it - Chen got the highest mark for an individual speaker.

Four out of six Rutherford teams won in the first round, including the advanced team which beat Macleans College (yes another rich school, not too sure whether they're a rich private or a rich public school though...)

As you know I applied for the recorder teaching job at the Lincoln Music School. Well yesterday afterschool I had my interview with the principal of the school and the executive officer. I was expecting a man to be the principal but instead it was a woman! Nevertheless that didn't bother me. They asked me quite a lot of questions about how I would go about teaching and controlling little children. I tried to answer them as wisely as I could, going on about how important it is that they are interested and trying to get them hooked on music and classical music, and maybe even offering rewards to those who practised throughout the week. I was told to ring back after 5pm today to find out whether I got the job or not, but right up till 9pm I couldn't get through, but finally after that time I did get through and they told me that I got the job! So now I'm officially Calum Anderson, Recorder Teacher. lol

School's starting to get so tedious - boring boring boring... I think I hang around too many people I don't understand (language-wise), so either I should find other people that I do understand to hang around with, or I should try learn their language so I can join in! I joined the Environmental Committee this week. Don't ask me if that was such a wise decision because I'm still yet to decide on that! They're planning to fundraise for a 'Pride Board' through a 'Feed the Teachers' thing where they sell food to teachers. The 'Pride Board' is to show off some of the achievements of students from around the school. It may sound lame but it's a good start to injecting some of that much needed pride into our school's students! One person suggested just using the abandoned Sports Noticeboard that was up outside the school theatre. The only problem about that though is that the theatre's set to be demolished within the next few months!

I also joined the International Student Newspaper Committee. Don't ask me why I joined that either, because I have no idea. It's supposed to be focused on international students, and this is where one of the problems comes in, because I don't really talk to many international students because they don't often speak English and therefore I don't understand them! I don't know how to go about writing articles either. Would it need to be written in easy-to-understand English? I have no idea.

Anyway I've been so exhausted this week from staying up too late too often, I'm going to go off to bed and try to enjoy the few hours of sleep before I have to wake up early for violin lessons.


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