Wednesday 16 March 2005

A loooong year to come...

A lot has happened since the weekend.

I taught my first recorder classes on Saturday morning. It was horrible! I had two beginner classes and one intermediate class. The beginner classes were really screwed, although not unexpectedly. None of them knew anything about music; they didn't know how to play the recorder nor could they read music. One girl was more advanced than the rest though and so it was hard to accommodate for her while at the same time teaching the very basics to the rest of the class. There was also a five year old girl who most likely didn't understand a single word I said because she was Chinese, but fortunately her father was helping her out. In fact, I have no idea if any students understood me at all! Nearly all of them except for one was were Asian, and they were all too shy to talk! I asked them to go round and introduce themselves and say one
thing they really liked, but no one wanted to speak and I ended up introducing everyone to the class. Ay yaiyaiyai this year will be a long one....

The same could be said about the way things are going at school. I'm still hanging out with my Korean friends who continue to speak Korean with their Korean friends (no surprises), while I sit there by myself. Not being able to understand a thing except for the occasional English word makes me a loner. I've got less than two years of high school left and I'm not making any new friends. Yeah my Korean friends are socializing with their fellow Koreans, but as for me I'm making contact with no one.

It's for the very reason why I've tried to fill up my lunchtimes with something to keep me occupied so I don't waste time doing nothing. In some cases I've overbooked myself! On Mondays I do string ensemble, Tuesdays is the vocal group AND young enterprise, Wednesdays is environmental committee, Thursdays (I can't really remember') and Friday is international student newspaper committee. I wish those social soccer or rugby games would be played on the field during lunchtime, like in the good old days. Those were fun.

One thing that is starting to really frustrate me is having to chase the principals down in order to get something achieved. The associate principal asked me to determine where students play handball and let him know so they can draw up markings for the students. I've done that, but whenever I try to get back to him he's either busy or not in his office. The same applies to the deputy principal. I had a meeting with her regarding school pride/profile and setting up some new year 11/12 leaders group. She asked me to get back to her with some names of interested
students so we could get something started up before the next board meeting (which happens to be next Monday!!) This is a common trait amongst the principals. I admit they're pretty busy but I have to communicate a lot with them and some things I can't get done without input from them. I also had a meeting with the principal on Friday after school regarding possible questions I could ask on my 'form class tour', and he told me to get back to him if I had anything to ask him. It just happens that I do have a few things to ask but guess what? I can't find him!!! I accept that as student rep it's my job to represent the school and work for the students, but when I can't liaise with these people how can I do my job? A lot hinders on their decisions. I check their offices every interval/lunch/after school without any success. And so it continues...

I was called a

'fair-weather friend'

by a friend I tried to help comfort yesterday but to no success. I was just annoying her even more. I didn't really know what it meant till I checked the dictionary:

"A friend who will be there for you in good times, but not when times are bad"

I admit I'm not good at comforting people over the net, but I do really care for people whether or not it comes across that way! I offered to leave but she wanted me to stay, so that really confused me. I said I'd be there for her and she said that was the best thing I had said all night, so at least some of the self-help books have been working! (NB that was a joke! I don't read self-help books...OK maybe a little of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus)

I got this unusual email from Diane telling me that she thought of me as a great friend and she would always be there for me and stuff like that, which I found really touching *sniff sniff*, but unusual (yet again). She's not one to talk about friendship, as I realized a couple of years ago. Then a few days ago she told me she would go out with me if I went to Mt Roskill Grammar, but I didn't so yeah. I talked to her friend yesterday, and she said that Diane was probably feeling lonely. That kinda makes a mockery of me. When you've got no other person to turn to, come to Calum! Lol Hey I suppose it ain't that bad. I even get to be a backup for Alison if she doesn't get a partner to go with her to the ball too (apparently). I guess that's not too bad. Anyway Diane's back to her normal self, which means ignoring me again.

I understand fully how males cannot decipher the female species. They insult you, they abuse you, they ignore you, but when they're upset they expect you to be there for you.

An interesting thing someone has said to me this week (coming from a female, unsurprisingly) is that she wants to like someone who likes her for her personality, not for her looks, but she admits herself that she is shallow and would like a guy for his looks. That is hypocritical. I rest my case.

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