Sunday 20 March 2005

Finally Some things are done

Lately I’ve managed to complete a few tasks I set out to do.

YES I found the deputy principal and sorted out a plan for starting up a year 11/12 student leaders group (or something of the sort)

YES I found the associate principal, gave him a map with marked spots of where people play handball so that they can go ahead and paint squares on the ground for them to play.

The teacher in charge of the cultural committee is also interested in running Rutherford Idol again this year and so has asked us (ex-Student Committee) members if we’d be interested in organising it again for this year. Everyone I’ve spoken to so far is interested, and last year we managed to get 5% of the school’s roll to audition; this year our target will be 10%. I’ll post more on as details become available.


The board of trustees meeting will be held on Monday night and I am yet to have anything to report back as I haven’t started surveying form periods! It seems as though there is always something to do during each form period! Either we have an assembly, have to pick up rubbish, or the other classes are at assembly! Anyway I’ll try start next week.


I told Sarena about my plight with my Korean speaking friends and she has been really cool about it, inviting me to join her friends! My Korean friends aren’t speaking Korean that often anymore so everything’s OK.


My recorder lessons went pretty well yesterday as well! Disha recommended I play games with the kids, while Sarena recommended I give them chocolate. I did both, and nearly all the kids were interested and not shy anymore, and they were all able to play! I got my papers to fill out yesterday as well, so I’ve got to weigh up the benefits against the disadvantages of joining a union.


Our second debate against McAuley’s College is this Tuesday, and I have yet to write the moot and team case, since I’m first speaker. I’ll get round to doing that as soon as I finish typing this. What has made things worse is that I caught a cold just last night, so right throughout church I was blowing my nose every few minutes, with watery eyes whenever I was about to sneeze! Don’t forget the red nose too, due to the rough tissue paper at church. I don’t know how I’m going to survive!

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