Thursday 24 March 2005

Leaving me Behind

Today I really didn’t do anything on my teachers only day. Oh I did go shopping at Pak n’ Save when all the power went out. I thought I’d have a little fun and randomly phone people with our new cellphone (since its new no one would know who was calling ;) ). The only person to reply was Diane, who asked who it was. I didn’t bother replying till later in the night. She replied saying that she was having the happiest days of her life, as she had found a new guy.

Now this is what has taken me by surprise, how everyone likes everyone else. It seems as though nearly all my friends are having good luck with the opposite sex, except for me, or am I just having delusions?! Maybe it might work to my advantage though. While everyone else is distracted by the opposite sex, maybe good ‘ole lonely me can focus on schoolwork and outdo them? I’m not saying it’s possible, but it’s an optimistic look on this whole situation ;)

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