Tuesday 1 February 2011

My First Day at Work

I finally have my Annual Practising Certificate to practise as an intern pharmacist!

Today was my first day at work, which meant I had to wake up at 6.30am to get ready. I caught the bus into the city but I got there so early I managed to spend an hour on the uni computers (I can still log in, yay!!).

On the first day of work I got to meet all the staff and they're all quite friendly. I mainly spent my time in the dispensary helping enter prescriptions into the computer, dispensing and handing out medicines to customers/patients though. 

It was quite quiet at work too! I get two breaks throughout the day, a half hour lunch break around midday. I just went upstairs and sat outside in the Quad to eat my lunch, as it was good being outside after being stuck in the pharmacy all day!

I got a nice surprise when one of my friends Eliza came into the pharmacy just to drop off a little first day of week present for me - a really nice cupcake! Thanks so much Eliza, that made my day!

I finally finished work by 5.30, and I was going to join the gym but I didn't know which membership I could qualify for so I had to email the manager. No New Years resolutions fulfilled today!

I then met up with another one of my friends Scholastica who was going to shout me dinner at the Sky City Fortuna Restaurant sorta as a birthday and first day of week treat! 

As soon as we got seated we went straight to the food! Last time we went to a buffet we ate and got full too fast, so this time we paced ourselves! 

There was quite a lot to eat, and it was really nice, especially the dessert! Scholastica and I chatted throughout dinner about all sorts of stuff and also made a toast to a successful year ahead!

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