Wednesday 9 February 2011

Happy Birthday Scholastica!


To celebrate her 21st birthday, Scholastica had a birthday dinner at the Grasshopper Restaurant tonight which was perfect timing for me as I could just go there straight after work.

Because of work, I had to quickly buy her a birthday present as soon as I finished work. I managed to find her a box of chocolate in tablet form which is quite appropriate seeing as she studies pharmacy! I'm not too sure whether it's more suitable for guys though...

When I finally got to the restaurant, everyone was sitting at this very long table at the back. I didn't really recognise anyone except for Kathleen, another pharmacy student, so I just sat next to her for the night and caught up with her.
The restaurant was a Thai restaurant so a lot of the food was marked with how spicy they were. I tried to choose a dish that was the least spicy. It turns out most of the plates weren't spicy at all! I think I chose the sweet n' sour dish.

I had to leave after a couple of hours and was ready to go when speeches were about to start, so I decided to stay for a little bit longer to hear the speeches. A few of Scholastica's friends gave speeches which were quite entertaining!

The cake was soon brought out and so I stayed A BIT longer to have some before I finally had to go! 

 Hopefully Scholastica had a great night and will have a great 21st year!

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