Friday 23 April 2010

A Night Out Bowling

Just a week after our Ultra-Mega Get-Together, it was our youth group's activity night and it was time for us to go out and do something fun! Once again it was up to me to try organise something, and it eventually came down to rock climbing vs bowling, before it was decided we'd have a steamboat dinner at church first before going out to Westgate for bowling.

This was the first time I had ever had steamboat dinner! It was much like Gengy's where you choose the raw food you want cooked and then have it cooked, only that we had to cook it ourselves in a pot/wok with boiling water. It was an interesting experience! I did eat some raw food (thanks Grace!) but most of it was good! I didn't burn myself either!

By 8pm it was time to get going to Westgate for bowling! We stayed for two games and occupied four lanes. In my lane I had On, Angie, Hamish, Andrew Amy the new girl and myself. It was a good time to get to know Amy since it was her first time in our youth group.

In my first game I was terrible! I kept getting gutterball! I got mocked a few times and challenged by Grace, which I lost to. I did feel as if my groove was coming soon, and it did in the next game where I got a strike! Woohoo! I can thank Andrew for that, as he showed me another way to bowl!

It must've helped, as I kept getting 7's, 8s and 9's from then on! I got a final score of 90 something in the final game, but that was no match to Phillip and Aonghas who got just over 100!

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