Thursday 1 April 2010

Missed the Fools Again!

I completely forgot it was April Fools' Day again for the second year in a row! I had an aseptic dispensing lab all morning and only realised after midday when I was in the toilet! Grrrrr!

Aseptic dispensing lab wasn't too bad though. We got to go into a real sterile uni which was cool! We wore these full-body gowns from head to toe, with masks and everything! We then went in and had to aseptically dispense some eye drops. One of the guys cut himself trying to open a glass ampoule, and afterwards he asked me if his experience felt the same as mine!

We spent the rest of the lab trying to get the tutors to sign off our competency sheet, which had a list of different skills/tasks we had to complete and get checked off to indicate that we were competent at them. It was slightly annoying having to wait for a tutor to see if we could do things like changing a syringe needle or open a glass or plastic ampoule. After the guy cut his finger opening the glass ampoule, everyone ended up wanting to use the plastic ampoule opener!

Once the afternoon workshop was over though (which happened to be on stroke and DVT), uni was over for half the semester and it was time for holidays!!!

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