Saturday 3 April 2010

Jennifer's Baptism

Wow first Jennifer's birthday, and now it's Jennifer's baptism! Well today was quite a special day for her and a few others guessed it, they got baptised!

We had one of those combined church baptism services where all three churches combined at ours for the extended service. Surprisingly the carpark was almost full! It's never been as full as it was today! The hall was completely packed and even more chairs had to be put out in the gym for us! We just happened to sit right at the back as well! A few of the others got bored during the service, so I ended up getting text spammed with over 60 text messages in my inbox, and none of them were from Twitter either!

After the sermon it was finally time for the baptism part! There were a few people getting baptised from our church, including the mother of one of the guys in our youth group, Jennifer, Derek (this guy from another fellowship at our church) and this other lady who baked me a cake.

Aonghas and I went up front to take photos, although us and our stock lens were nothing compared to everyone else with their massive dSLR's!

They all got baptised one by one, before going off to have a shower while the city church's choir performed. They were quiet good!

All the people who got baptised received their certificates before the end of the service, and we concluded the day by all having lunch in the gym where we each received a box full of food!

My brothers and I plus a few others from our Sunday School wanted to get a photo together with Jennifer though, so we went back into the hall and sat around till it was out turn. She must be quite popular, there were heaps of people who wanted photos taken with her!

After we finally got our photo taken with her though, we went back to finish off our lunch. Gabrielle also gave us a bag of lollies to share that looked like medicine pills!

Anyway, congratulations to Jennifer, Derek and all the others who got baptised! To quote one of the songs from High School Musical, hopefully 'this is the start of something new.'

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