Friday 30 April 2010

Almost Had Enough!

I just keep getting things wrong in the dispensing lab! Arrgh! I've tried correcting my mistakes after each dispensing lab but they just keep finding something else that's wrong with me!

We have to go into these side rooms to talk to a tutor who acts as a 'doctor' for our prescriber consultation. I went to see a different 'doctor' than the one I usually go to see, and at the beginning asked her what her name is (for legal reasons!) and she said it should be on the computer.

When I got back to the computer station I was at, the name of the doctor was 'Dr Community', so that's what I wrote down on the prescription.

Next, when I went into the side room for my patient consultation, the tutor who was acting as the patient saw 'Dr Community' written on the prescription and asked me if that was right, and I told her that's what my doctor told me to do. After the lab, I asked one of my tutors what was up with all that, and she said we were supposed to know the doctor's name just by using the tutor's name! I thought we were supposed  to always ask the doctor!

Arrrgh! I was so despondent after that. I don't think I'll ever get this dispensing thing right!

Monday 26 April 2010

I don't want to Grow Up!

Today before my really long and boring tutorial on how to use the SPSS statistics software, we had a lecture from some people who run the Evolve Programme, which oversees the pharmacy intern programme. They told us all about the intern programme that we'll be doing next year and what it's involved. To sum it up: you will be working FULL-TIME and on top of that having to complete assignments and sit a big exam at the end of the year! Great....Just when I thought this would be the last ever year I'd have to struggle through pharmacy...

I was thinking of doing post-grad in pharmacy or something, and that way I'd be able to avoid having to get a job and enter the real world. Sadly order for me to be registered as a pharmacist I have to do my internship within two years of graduating, which means it's best I do my internship next year. Unless...I do an internship as well as post-grad within the same year. The only thing was that they recommended that option only for the top students, and I'm nowhere near the top!

I guess it means I have to start looking for somewhere to do my internship now, or come up with a Plan B!

Friday 23 April 2010

A Night Out Bowling

Just a week after our Ultra-Mega Get-Together, it was our youth group's activity night and it was time for us to go out and do something fun! Once again it was up to me to try organise something, and it eventually came down to rock climbing vs bowling, before it was decided we'd have a steamboat dinner at church first before going out to Westgate for bowling.

This was the first time I had ever had steamboat dinner! It was much like Gengy's where you choose the raw food you want cooked and then have it cooked, only that we had to cook it ourselves in a pot/wok with boiling water. It was an interesting experience! I did eat some raw food (thanks Grace!) but most of it was good! I didn't burn myself either!

By 8pm it was time to get going to Westgate for bowling! We stayed for two games and occupied four lanes. In my lane I had On, Angie, Hamish, Andrew Amy the new girl and myself. It was a good time to get to know Amy since it was her first time in our youth group.

In my first game I was terrible! I kept getting gutterball! I got mocked a few times and challenged by Grace, which I lost to. I did feel as if my groove was coming soon, and it did in the next game where I got a strike! Woohoo! I can thank Andrew for that, as he showed me another way to bowl!

It must've helped, as I kept getting 7's, 8s and 9's from then on! I got a final score of 90 something in the final game, but that was no match to Phillip and Aonghas who got just over 100!

Friday 16 April 2010

The End of the World?

I just watched the movie 2012 tonight, and I have to say it's a little freaky watching it, considering how we've had so many tsunamis and earthquakes all around the world recently. Surely we're not coming to the end of the world are we?

Thursday 15 April 2010

Going out with the Oddfellows

It took me a whole week of planning, but finally the Oddfellows Ultra-Mega Get-Together was all go! The weekend before, some people in our youth group had suggested that we have an informal get-together outside of youth group just to hang out, so guess who got put in charge of organising it? Yours truly!

Trust me when I say organising outings isn't as easy as it seems, especially when it's going to the movies and different people have seen different movies, movies have different ratings and people are different ages, and there is no blockbuster out! At one stage I was thinking of just saying we were all going to go watch The Last Song! In the end I managed to arrange it so that we'd have dinner at the West City foodcourt first, then the younger people could go watch Clash of the Titans in 3D first. A little later a couple of the girls could watch When in Rome, while us older people could watch Kick-A$$!

We got a decent turnout with about twelve people showing up. Aonghas had to go pick up Jireh, Ben  and Angie, and with Hamish in the car as well that meant there wouldn't be enough space for all of us, so I decided to walk down to West City. I didn't realise that it'd start to rain though! I got to West City completely soaked and had to stand under the hand dryer for a little while just to dry up slightly!

Once everyone arrived, each person bought their own dinner, while my brothers and I just ate the food our mum had cooked us. She wanted us to save money since we spent money on the Korean BBQ the night before.

It was soon time for the first lot to go watch Clash of the Titans, so they went off. The rest of us just hung out for an hour before it was time for us to go!

We had a bit of a problem though, with Grace likely to be the only one to go watch When in Rome! I was tempted to just offer to watch it with her, but then Angie said she'd watch it with her. Claire, my brothers and I went to watch Kick-A$$ which I must say was a pretty good movie! It was hilarious and quite gruesome!

After the movie we all met up in the foyer before it was time to go our separate ways. We had a bit of a problem in terms of transport, as you remember how I had to walk to West City earlier. I offered to just walk home because I've done so many times at that time of night, but they insisted I get in the car with them. That meant we had to squish four people into the back of the car!

On the way home we had to pass the police station, so it was just lucky they didn't see us!

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Cooking it Korean Style

Tonight some guys from Aonghas's Student Life group were going to get together with some guys from other groups within Student Life to have dinner at this Korean BBQ restaurant in the city. Our mum had encouraged us to come along with Aonghas to get to know some of the people. I originally wasn't too keen as I didn't know if we'd be welcome since we weren't part of the group and didn't know anyone. It was a last minute decision, just as Aonghas left with Hamish, I changed my mind and decided to come!

All the guys there turned out to be quite nice! Aonghas sat at one end of the long table while Hamish and I sat together just for moral support. One of the guys ended up talking to us for a while which was cool!

As with Korean BBQ's, all the food on offer is raw and you have to cook it on the stoves provided at your table. My mum cooks most of my food so I had no idea how to cook meat! The first time I tried, I left it on the stove a bit too long and it became charcoal! I think I eventually got better, but I was really worried I hadn't cooked the meat properly.

Hamish and I were the last people to finish our food before we all left and went to play pool at a nearby place. We played a few games of pool during our allotted hour. My pool-playing skills aren't too flash, so I lost several games. When paired with someone else though we won a few games!

It was a great night to get to know a few of the people in Student Life. I really should get involved more in that sort of stuff at uni!

Tuesday 13 April 2010

What a Pleasant Surprise!

Today was Gabrielle's (our youth group leader) birthday and we didn't realise just how big her birthday present would be till we all found out on Facebook (how typical!)...she finally got engaged to her long-time boyfriend Tim from our church as well!

Apparently he proposed to her after having dinner with her on her birthday. That is so cool! They're getting married at the beginning of next year, so I will be looking forward to that!

Saturday 10 April 2010

Ice-Cream for Life!

Earlier in the week my dad had received an email forwarded to him by someone at his work, advertising discounted ice-cream being sold at this factory somewhere out in Otara, I think something like 16L of ice-cream for $10. My dad, being a sweet-tooth and not one to pass up on an offer as good as that decided we'd wake up early in the morning to get some ice-cream before it was too late! Aonghas wasn't feeling so well and had to work that day as well but fortunately I didn't, so the four of us went.

There weren't actually that many people there when we got there. They handed out black rubbish bags filled with random containers of ice-cream. We originally bought three bags, one for us, and one for each of our relative families, but after seeing someone else buy something like TEN bags of ice-cream, we thought maybe we'd get another three bags! While we brought along some chilli-bins that our aunty had lent us, we had run out of space, so we pretty much had to hold onto the rest of it!

On our way home, our mum needed to go to the toilet and so we thought we'd go to the nearest McDonald's. Now remember we were still in Otara, so we were a little weary. We discovered though that there was a nearby market going on and these people washing windscreens at the intersection. We didn't want to get car-jacked or anything, but by the time we noticed, it was too late and we had to turn into the road! We had a bit of difficulty getting back out!

When we got home though, it was a rush to find space in our freezers for all the ice-cream! Our mum had to remove some of the chicken and meat that was in there to make way for the ice-cream. Fortunately our aunt had a bigger freezer where all of our remaining ice-cream is kept!

Thursday 8 April 2010

Ready to Save the World!

During these past two days I've been attending a first aid course at uni. It was organised especially for pharmacy students to help us meet the requirements for our internship - that we have a first aid certificate.

Originally I wasn't looking forward too much to it as it would be two full days from 8.30 till 4pm! I'm not used to getting up that early, especially in the middle of the holidays! 

It didn't turn out that bad, thanks mainly to the really funny First Aid demonstrator guy we had! He's from Britain, and was really funny! He also shared quite a few funny anecdotes! I'm not too sure if they were supposed to be funny....but we laughed anyway!

Over the two days, we worked through the book covering all these different injuries we could come across, like electric shock, cuts, concussions...I think you get the point! Some of the photos were quite gruesome!

Some of the most fun parts of the course were the practical exercises! On the first day we got to do CPR on a dummy, as well as doing a roleplay with a partner, where one person was injured in a car accident. In the second day we got to practise bandaging arms! Some people got a bit carried away and ended up bandaging other people's heads!

At the end of each day we finished with a short multiple choice quizz, in order to determine if we were good enough to get a First Aid Certificate. Fortunately I got mine!

Now I am ready to save the world!

Saturday 3 April 2010

A Busy Day

Today was quite a busy day. I had the Dessert Club's Easter Bunny Hunt to help out with in the afternoon, then Gwen's 21st birthday straight after, and then an extended family dinner to conclude the day!

Let's start off with the Easter Bunny Hunt. Our club ran a competition where teams of three had to find our posters, read the clue and take a photo of a pose they thought the clue was hinting at, before reading another clue to figure out where the next stop was.

I wasn't told when we were supposed to meet so I ended up coming slightly late. The rest of the committee members were already there and were working hard, cutting things out and sticking things together. I joined in.

We then went out to put up the posters at different locations around the campus. I got to put up a poster at the Architecture School. I put it at the back of a pillar, overlooking a balcony. It was hilarious watching people trying to find that poster!

All the participants met up at the quad and we put them into randomly selected teams. As soon as it was all sorted, time started and off the teams went! They had two hours to make it to as many stops as possible!

I went around taking videos and photos of the groups. Of course I never introduced myself to any of them, and because I haven't been to too many Dessert Club events, some people didn't realise I was in the committee and so I had some people exclaiming

"Hey why are you stalking us!"

I was filming most of the time, so I couldn't exactly reply out loud!

Back to that poster I put up at the Architecture School...well it was quite funny. I followed a couple of teams there and one team was wandering along the balcony looking for it. One of the girls was looking over the balcony for the poster, not realising she was standing right next to it! The other team saw it and then one member said out loud to the other

"I can't see it. Let's go!"

They wandered off till the other team spotted it and then quickly ran back to complete the task.

The hunt was won by a team that had an ex-committee member as a member, which raised some eyebrows but believe me it was completely legit!

The hunt wasn't solely determined on who finished first though, as we still had to judge the photos and poses to give extra points! While that was taking place, a few of us committee members led the competitors back up to the Quad for a mini competition to see how many marshmellows they could fit in their mouth! It was quite amusing! I think the most someone fit in their mouth was 42! They immediately spit it all in the rubbish bin after!

I couldn't stay for too long before I had to catch a bus back into Te Atatu Peninsula for Gwen's 21st birthday!  As soon as I got off though, I realised I couldn't remember where she lived! It's been a while since I last was there! Fortunately with a bit of direction I made it there.

It was the first time I caught up with some of my intermediate school friends in ages! We just sat around talking while eating some food (I was trying to be healthy by eating celery sticks!).

Now this time I actually managed to get a present for Gwen! I contributed to this little special 21st box thing that my friends Zahir, Alex and Chloe had bought for her, and I also got her a mashimaro!

I could only stay for a couple hours though, as I had to go to an extended family dinner. Recent bad news had made this dinner all the more important for me to be there. While I had missed dinner, I made it just in time for dessert!

We all sat around the TV afterwards to check out the professional photos taken of Jeremy and Asumi's wedding!

What a busy day!

Jennifer's Baptism

Wow first Jennifer's birthday, and now it's Jennifer's baptism! Well today was quite a special day for her and a few others guessed it, they got baptised!

We had one of those combined church baptism services where all three churches combined at ours for the extended service. Surprisingly the carpark was almost full! It's never been as full as it was today! The hall was completely packed and even more chairs had to be put out in the gym for us! We just happened to sit right at the back as well! A few of the others got bored during the service, so I ended up getting text spammed with over 60 text messages in my inbox, and none of them were from Twitter either!

After the sermon it was finally time for the baptism part! There were a few people getting baptised from our church, including the mother of one of the guys in our youth group, Jennifer, Derek (this guy from another fellowship at our church) and this other lady who baked me a cake.

Aonghas and I went up front to take photos, although us and our stock lens were nothing compared to everyone else with their massive dSLR's!

They all got baptised one by one, before going off to have a shower while the city church's choir performed. They were quiet good!

All the people who got baptised received their certificates before the end of the service, and we concluded the day by all having lunch in the gym where we each received a box full of food!

My brothers and I plus a few others from our Sunday School wanted to get a photo together with Jennifer though, so we went back into the hall and sat around till it was out turn. She must be quite popular, there were heaps of people who wanted photos taken with her!

After we finally got our photo taken with her though, we went back to finish off our lunch. Gabrielle also gave us a bag of lollies to share that looked like medicine pills!

Anyway, congratulations to Jennifer, Derek and all the others who got baptised! To quote one of the songs from High School Musical, hopefully 'this is the start of something new.'

Friday 2 April 2010

A Good Friday

This morning our church had a service to celebrate/commemorate (however you want to look at it!) Good Friday. It decided later in the week too that after the service our youth group would have pizza for lunch before having youth group in the afternoon rather than at night (yusss!! Bridget Jones' Diary here I come!)

My brothers and I were asked to play our accordion at the service, so last night we had to go to church just to have a quick run through. Jenny, the really good violinist in our youth group was there as well and was going to play together with us. It ended up being a quick rehearsal since we didn't have to play much.

The service this morning was like most other services except that we had to play a few times throughout the service, including during the communion. We finished by playing the same song, 'The Old Rugged Cross' together with the piano and Jenny on violin as the congregation sang.

After the service everyone gathered in the gym to have some morning tea before most people left. Our youth group remained to have some pizza. 

I was leading worship with one of the younger girls in the youth group who was going to play guitar for me, so I had a quick run through with her. Since I'm in charge of youth group worship this year, I'm trying to get more people involved in playing music!

We then went into the library to get on with youth group, starting off with worship. It didn't go too badly. We did a few children's songs with actions before we all watched this children's video about the death of Jesus and discussed aspects of the story and the movie.

We spent the rest of Good Friday at home enjoying ad-free TV, seeing as no shops were open on Good Friday. It was the first time I had watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and it was quite...creepy!

You may not believe in God but you've got to agree that ad-free TV is great!  

Thursday 1 April 2010

Missed the Fools Again!

I completely forgot it was April Fools' Day again for the second year in a row! I had an aseptic dispensing lab all morning and only realised after midday when I was in the toilet! Grrrrr!

Aseptic dispensing lab wasn't too bad though. We got to go into a real sterile uni which was cool! We wore these full-body gowns from head to toe, with masks and everything! We then went in and had to aseptically dispense some eye drops. One of the guys cut himself trying to open a glass ampoule, and afterwards he asked me if his experience felt the same as mine!

We spent the rest of the lab trying to get the tutors to sign off our competency sheet, which had a list of different skills/tasks we had to complete and get checked off to indicate that we were competent at them. It was slightly annoying having to wait for a tutor to see if we could do things like changing a syringe needle or open a glass or plastic ampoule. After the guy cut his finger opening the glass ampoule, everyone ended up wanting to use the plastic ampoule opener!

Once the afternoon workshop was over though (which happened to be on stroke and DVT), uni was over for half the semester and it was time for holidays!!!