Sunday 17 May 2009

Spreading the Music

On Thursday I skipped my chemistry lecture (yes yes I know...but some things take priority! :P) to go with Aonghas to watch Jenny, my friend from youth group, perform music with her school at the public library. Originally we were going to try get Lisa, our other friend from youth group to come with us but she Aonghas and I just went along.

Even though I've read and heard about these lunchtime performances at the library, I've never actually attended one, so Aonghas and I weren't exactly too sure where the performance would be except that it was in a room with a Maori name on Level 2, and there was only one room with a Maori name!

Aonghas and I were probably the youngest in the audience, but that was OK. Epsom Girls Grammar brought along their choir, a few pianists, a string quintet in which Jenny played, as well as the chamber orchestra. I was blown away. Epsom Girls Grammar sure have a great music department! Their choir was great, their pianists impressive and Jenny was great as usual.

I don't think she saw us but that doesn't really matter. I don't know if they like me being there haha but I enjoy watching and supporting familiar faces, it makes you really you get to skite that you know them! ;)

The very next day (Friday) was Aonghas's and my turn to perform at a library - Waitakere Central Library. We were performing on our accordions as part of the library's NZ Music Month programme. Funnily enough we didn't actually play any New Zealand music! We weren't sure about the details of the performance either which made us a little anxious about the performance. It turned out we were just going to perform in the foyer by the entrance to the library. Aonghas and I took turns playing pieces, although I did most of the playing! We ended by playing Bohemian Rhapsody as a duet. We didn't have much of a crowd, but got maybe around 20 people at one stage.

We didn't play all that well, making a few mistakes here and there. We really didn't do enough practice, as it's becoming increasingly difficult to find time to fit it in with uni and all.The most staggering thing though was that after we had played for about 45 minutes and decided it was enough, the librarian who invited us to come perform came to us to tell us that a few people had asked if we had a CD available or if we had a business card they could get! Another guy also asked us for our business card but when we told him we didn't have one and gave him our contact details instead, he said he'd try get some work for us! That gave us a few ideas on how to improve our music, maybe trying to incorporate different instruments into our trio or maybe trying out some different genres of music.

So I guess if pharmacy doesn't work out, I can just hit the resthome circuit!

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