Sunday 10 May 2009

RIP Mr Hirst - A Wedding and a Funeral in One Week


Mr Hirst, who used to be our primary school principal for many years passed away last Tuesday. We only discovered on Saturday when Megan, a primary school friend, texted us. While we knew he had been unwell recently, and our dad had been in contact up until a few weeks ago, it still came as a bit of a shock to us! What was lucky was that our dad brought home a newspaper that night and we checked the obituaries section to discover that his funeral would be held the very next day! We wouldn't miss that for anything!

The friendship between Mr Hirst and our family started off way back when I was still in primary school. It was customary for birthday cards to be handed out at assemblies, and my birthday happened to be on the same day as the principal's, so he would always write a special note for me. He later discovered that I had an interest in planes and gave me some stuff, as well as invited me to come watch him fly model planes.

After Mr Hirst retired and we left Henderson Primary School, we continued to keep in touch. Every year on his and my birthday we'd wish each other a Happy Birthday, and my dad would often email him about various topics. I just regret that I didn't keep in touch with him as much as I could've/should've.

The funeral though was quite nice and wasn't too long either. The room was full so we had to go upstairs and watch it on the TV screen. We met up with Megan, and also caught up with a few old primary school teachers like Mrs and Mr Wheeler, and the old school secretary Ms Williams. It really brings back so many memories!

From what I heard at the funeral it did sound as though Mr Hirst had an impact on many people's lives as a teacher/principal, and he certainly accomplished a lot. For a start I never knew he was a member of a group who won the Mobil Song Quest many, many years ago!

Attending funerals does certainly makes you think about things and put things into perspective. I wonder who would show up at my funeral, what they would say and how they'd evaluate the 'worthiness' of my life, if you could put it that way. It's happening right now and rather than thinking about things I probably should be doing something about it, steering it in the right direction and making the most of it!

It's ironic, that in a week I've gone from attending a wedding to a funeral. Now if only I had attended three more weddings, then that'd make Four Weddings and a Funeral!

As for Mr Hirst, at least he's not suffering anymore and hopefully he's in a better place, having a great time!

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