Monday 11 May 2009

A Dinner Fit for a Mother

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!! (even though it ended half an hour ago!)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZIPPO!! (too bad she's not a mother or else it'd be a double whammy!!)

On Sunday night our youth group helped out with other fellowship groups in making these little ribbon things that would be given to mothers during the Sunday service. To be honest I don't think they really trusted us and the job we did, as when we were handing them out to the mothers at the service in the morning I couldn't recognise any of them! I also had to pay off a bet I had lost, but more on that later.

It was pretty cool though. I think we had enough gifts to give to the mothers, who were asked to stand as we handed the gifts out to them. As they all eventually sat down, husbands and non-mothers were asked to stand and sing a song for the mothers which was nice, even though it probably wasn't done out of choice for many of them!

Later that Sunday night my family and I went to this Chinese restaurant to join the Tan family, our family friends from church. We ordered several dishes, which included lemon chicken, beef, beans and the other usual Chinese stuff like rice. It was really fun being at a Chinese restaurant, it's been so long since I've had dinner at a restaurant! It was small but it was so full with all these Chinese people around. The talking and the clattering of dishes and cutlery was so noisy you had to talk up to be heard!

In one of the dishes Leonie found a piece of plastic and showed one of the waitresses who said she'd replace the dish. However, the head chef came out and said it was impossible for a piece of plastic to be found in the dish as the food was cooked in a wok and any plastic would have melted. So how'd the piece of plastic get in??

The Tan family brought a cake with them, which is funny because there were signs on a few walls saying

'No food or drink allowed' (I'm assuming they mean you're not allowed to bring your own food or drink in to their restaurant!)

but they managed to! Not only that, but they also asked for some forks and plates and they gave them to us! That'll mean more dish washing for them, but hey we found a piece of plastic in one of their dishes!

It was a pretty good meal overall though, and Winston paid for it all, offering to shout us all, but we refused, and insisted we pay for our half! It was fun though; hopefully we go to restaurants a bit more often!

And as for what we got our mother for Mothers Day? Well she bought some jewellery for herself, so we'll just pay her back, plus she didn't pay for dinner tonight so we'll be paying for her! (Our mum likes to buy her own stuff. She doesn't trust us to buy the right thing for her!)

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