Saturday 23 May 2009

Oh the Drama!

I can't believe just how much drama there has been at uni in one day!

This particular day was last Tuesday. We had a guest speaker for our arthritis lecture and as she finished, the course-coordinator came down the stairs shouting at us

"Alright you lot sit down and sh^t up!"

He then went on about how we as pharmacy students and future pharmacists should be acting in a professional and ethical manner, which means not cheating and so on. He was referring to how nearly all of us pharmacy students have copies of the answers to the workshop and pre-workshop case questions, and the answers to the multiple-choice quizzes. Someone from the year above us must have passed it down to one of us, and then just like all things good it got spread around amongst us. Apparently someone in our year accidentally left her USB drive in the lab, and it got handed in to the pharmacy school. The academic director looked at the files on the USB drive to try figure out who owned it, and came across these 'answers'. The course-coordinator told us that if we had them we had to delete the files as soon as possible or else if we got caught with them we'd be in serious trouble.

It's certainly got pharmacy students in my year talking! Quite a few aren't happy at the fact they are looking through our USB drive, while others can't seem to understand why they are unhappy about us having the files, as we're not even assessed and we're just using them as another learning resource.

There are at jokes going on too about keeping an eye on our USB drives just in case the pharmacy school picks it up and goes through our files!

Another case was a week earlier when the afternoon MEDSCI lab stream got yelled at by their lab tutors because apparently some lab reports from students who took the paper last year must have been circulating amongst current MEDSCI students, as the plagiarism-detection website detected a bit of plagiarism going on!

There's definitely a fare bit of drama going on, and with exams coming up soon the pressure's certainly growing!

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