Friday 15 May 2009

Pharmacy Peculiarities

Just a few random things I've experienced as a pharmacy student...

We've had this lecturer recently. She's not too bad, she has a bit of an accent however. She also likes to read her lecture slides and then explain them by rearranging the words on the slides. She'll then repeat it not too long after. My favourite:

"...can be easily swallowed. This means you can swallow it easily."

I guess that can be good in a way, just in case we miss what she says the first or third time.


Because of her accent, people had a little bit of a giggle when she said a few words that sounded like something...different...I admit I smiled slightly as I heard it, and then felt a bit bad as I wondered if it was only me who had a dirty mind, but it turns out there were quite a few others who were thinking the same! You see she was trying to explain to us this machine where you put six tubes in it. To some it came out as

"you have to put sex juice in this machine"


Why do my pens keep disappearing? When I go off to mix a chemical or rinse something in a sink, someone must borrow a pen or pencil from my pencil case and I end up keeping on having to buy more pens and pencils! I'm sure I've gone through at least 4 pens already this semester! It's lucky I stocked up on pens at the beginning of the year when they were a lot cheaper!


Today we were learning about powder flow properties in the lab, which involved filling a cylinder with powder and then releasing it onto paper to measure the diameter of the pile and the maximum height of the pile to determine the angle and so on. I found it amusing how they've given this rather simple cylinder a fancy name - Flowdex! It sure makes this cylinder sound like a high-tech device!

What was even more exciting though was this machine were introduced to, called the tapping machine. Guess what that does? It taps containers! Cool huh? In our lab manual it talked about having to tap this measuring cylinder filled with powder 1600 times or something like that. I was thinking about how long that would take when we were told there's a machine that will do it for us!

Come to think of it, what can't you do with a machine these days? No need to mix test tubes yourself thanks to a Vortex Mixer. No need to manually do titrations, let the computer do that. Now you don't need to tap your containers, just give it to the tapping machine!


People are never going to forget the stupid remark I made during the first pharmacotherapy lecture of this semester are they? (Where do you see yourselves in 5 years time in terms of pharmacy? I will have left pharmacy...)

I asked one of my friends who had recently taken up a job at a pharmacy if she would recommend that I work at a pharmacy. She replied:

"I wouldn't recommend you get a job at a pharmacy since you hate pharmacy!"

At my pharmacotherapy workshops as well whenever the tutor tells us to commit something to memory as we'll have to know it for the rest of our lives as pharmacists, someone in my group will remark

"Except Calum...he's not going to be a pharmacist!"

I don't hate pharmacy...honest! I just have a love-hate relationship with it. When things go well it's not so bad, but when things go bad...well...I actually have motivation now to pass...screw the degree I'm doing it for the graduation teddy bear! Last week was graduation week at uni and as I sat in Albert Park watching the graduates in their gowns holding their graduation teddy bears and taking photos with family and friends, I thought to myself, I want to be where they are, and I want to get there as soon as I possibly can! So I will be studying hard, or trying to!

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