Wednesday 1 April 2009

A Pot Luck Dinner

Friday night was our youth group's annual Family Pot Luck Dinner where we'd bring along our families, a plate of food, eat and play games!
Our youth group had been divided into three groups and were assigned the task of coming up with a 15 minute game both parents and kids/teens could play. I missed the bus to uni that day and so I didn't bother going in at all since it was only one lecture. I then set about trying to find a game our group could run! After making several suggestions to the others in my group, I ended up coming back to one game Lisa, this girl in our youth group told me about - Chinese Whispers, except rather than whispering, it was drawing on people's backs!

We started the night off with shared dinner. Everyone showed up which was cool. There were even a few new faces, they all happened to be girls! haha Because I was still eating soft food I couldn't eat any of the pizza or the other food, I ended up just eating rice and noodles.

After dinner we had a bit of singing where Jenny and Jireh each played the violin for the songs we sang.

Then it was time for games! Our group was up first. We ran our game, and it started off slightly slowly since some of the parents couldn't understand the rules being given out in English, and some of the little kids didn't know what to do. It was quite funny when we got people drawing on the whiteboard what they thought was drawn on their back - we got them to draw a tree, a house and the finale - Pastor Chan! A few were quite good, while team with Pastor Chan in it cheated a little by trying to spell the words! It may have been coincidental but it was funny because Pastor Chan had to draw himself on the whiteboard...unknowingly. When we revealed what they had been drawing, he looked shocked!

The next game was a relay involving transferring marbles from one bowl to another using chopsticks. I never realised just how difficult it was! Using a bit of innovation and trying to get around the rules, I tried to put the marble in my mouth and transfer it to the other bowl that way, since they never said I couldn't use my mouth! Unfortunately they didn't count that marble...

The final game was a bit of a surprise - dodgeball! It was parents vs kids/teens, but uni students were asked to join the parents. That was a bit of a mistake, because we wasted the kids! One of the parents managed to get one of the small kids who was holding a ball to come right up to the middle line and give the ball to them. As soon as they did, they chucked the ball at the kid and got him out! That was a bit sad but funny!! I managed to last for a while, and tried targeting a few...certain people...I ended up getting hit somehow though! We won convincingly in the end though so it was all good!

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