Saturday 11 April 2009

Clean-up Confuffle

Is confuffle even a word? Anyway last Sunday at church we had a big clean-up after lunch. I admit...this was the first church clean-up I took part in, as our family usually leaves before the clean-up starts (I know I know, very baaad!). Now that we're getting more involved with church we ended up staying, also because they had asked our youth group to help out.

Guess what part of the church we were assigned? The men's bathroom! That was going to be fun! I was a bit of a noob since I don't really clean the bathroom much at home, but with Andrew's (one of the guys in the youth group) guidance I was able to at least clean one shower!

When we thought we were done, a couple of the guys and I were asked to help carry branches into this huge rubbish bin outside in the carpark. That task felt like it was never going to end! I should've worn gloves, as I ended up with cuts all over my hands, which wasn't good especially since I had to run back inside for music rehearsal with the choir (I wasn't singing, just playing cello!).

It's the video I made of our youth group cleaning the men's bathroom that caused a bit of a stir on Facebook. I hadn't realised that people in our youth group have had to clean the toilets all the time in the past, and so they were commenting on the video, complaining about having to do it! I sorta felt a little bad for uploading the video and causing the argument between the younger people and the older people, but oh well! It's probably the lengthiest discussion from people in our youth group we've got on Facebook!

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