Wednesday 21 February 2007

What a Surprise! Uni ain't so Bad!

Wow going to university was so fun! Or at least Orientation Day! The powhiri was supposed to be at 9am and I was thinking about going as I felt guilty if I didn't! However I ended up going over to Shrikkanth's house to join him, Shen, Nick and David.. We sat at the bus stop for about twenty minutes for the bus to come. It took us a further half an hour to an hour to get into the city. We got off at Britomart and had to walk all the way up Queen St and eventually to university.

Along the way we came across Nick's girlfriend Natasha. That was so cool seeing them together! OK well we turned away a few times to avoid seeing certain things! After that little stop we finally got to campus where the first stand we checked out was ANZ who were enticing us to open a bank account with them to get some free Student Card, so Shen and I did!

Across the lawn was the Kiwi Asian Club tent so Nick, Shen and I paid our $7 and signed up with the promise of future encounters with hot Asian girls!! :D We tried to encourage Shrikkanth and David to join, even though David wasn't Asian at all, but those two refused to.

There were so many people around campus, good looking, odd looking, all sorts of people! Us guys just wandered around signing up for stuff and getting free stuff from people. It was funny with all the odd questions Shen asked people at the stands, like whether the lady at the Student Job Search stand got good pay for working for Student Job Search, and asking the ANZ lady if he could get a job at ANZ if he opened an account with them!

While we didn't go on a tour with a uniguide, Heather and Estee did and made a few new friends, so I guess in hindsight maybe it might've been advantageous to have done so! But despite not making any new friends there, we caught up with heaps of old friends like Grainam, Andromeda (she was funny! She initially pretended that she could only remember me and none of the others which really had Shen fooled!), Neha, George (I missed him though!), Pita, Elena and Alice! That's actually the first time I've met Alice in real life! She was going to text me and when she hadn't by midday I was thinking maybe I might not come across her, but as I was walking past I heard my name called out, turned around and saw her with Elena! She says my jokes aren't lame! Yay!

Anyway back to the free stuff - we were approached at least ten times by the National Bank people who kept asking us to open up a bank account. I did the first time I was asked, as you get to choose whether you want a free mp3 player or a school bag! Definitely mp3 player!

The BNZ people gave us a little bag with a mousepad, Kit-Kat bar and a can of drink along with a free Student Card (discount card for students). It was funny as the Student Card stall was right next to the BNZ stand, and they were trying to sell the Student Card for $20. We told them we had no money and that we had already opened a bank account with BNZ, and then the lady told us that BNZ's was full of hidden costs and complications! Shen went up to one of the BNZ guys and asked if that was true, and he told us that was wrong and that it looked like there was a little bit of competition going on!

We all signed up for the Auckland University Students Association, which got us a free orientation pack. That contained a student diary, wall planner and a Hell's Pizza condom. That's like the first condom I've ever had! Not that I will be using it any time soon though unless I happen to run out of balloons! We had gone upstairs to collect our pack several times but Shrikkanth never got round to getting his and ended up having to go up there one more time to get it!

After lining up for our free sausage and then eating it, we wandered across the road to check out the engineering building before coming back and being inundated by people wanting to sign us up for stuff we had already signed up for. We managed to find one last stand - the ASB caravan. It was amazing! It was like a mini bank inside a caravan complete with its own security guard! Yes I did end up opening a bank account with them too to get my $40 credit..

When there was nothing left to do we cut through Albert Park and headed down to Sky City Metro where we farewelled Nick and Shrikkanth who were off to buy some music concert tickets and then just hung out checking out all the stuff (and rubbish) we had collected.

David and I then left Shen and walked back to Britomart where we met up with Alex!! David and Alex caught the train home while I took the bus (which I was hoping was the right one!) To end the day, I drifted off to sleep reading up on ANZ's service charges zzzzzzzz........(got home safely though!)

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