Thursday 15 February 2007

Camp Surprise

The prefects of Rutherford College for this year were to have their camp at AUT this week from Monday to Wednesday. After an offer was made late last year before school finished, Jacqueline decided to take it up and try find out if it we were still allowed to come visit. However Jacqueline hadn't gotten a reply from Rebecca (the AUT lady in charge of the programme) and it was the Saturday before the camp! I also heard at Lindsey's farewell party that only ex-prefects who would be attending AUT this year would be allowed to come and help out, so I pretty much gave up hope! I told a few of the prefects that I wouldn't be coming and then that had undone all the work I had been doing trying to get them to look forward to camp, as coming into the camp many of the prefects were dreading it, with some even contemplating dropping out of the group because of it!

Monday was Chen's birthday (by the way HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHEN!!!). I didn't really do much apart from watch TV as usual (like Desperate Housewives!!!! yay!!), when I got a text from Jacqueline letting me know that Rebecca said we could come visit the next day on Tuesday! Jacqueline had her AUT Orientation Day that day so straight after at about 3pm she would go visit the prefects. Because I didn't want to be random (plus I wasn't sure if I was allowed to!) I thought I would just go at the same time as Jacqueline.

On Tuesday morning I drove my dad to Glenfield to his Tai Chi practice, while I just read newspapers in the nearby library. After an hour I drove home and got prepared to catch the bus at 2pm. As usual I wasn't prepared in time, and I was running down the road and back up the hill only to see the bus drive by! I continued to the bus stop where I checked the timetable and found out the next bus would be coming in half an hour! I decided to walk all the way back home and recheck the timetable on the website. There was a bus at 2.15, which was...right then! So I just missed that bus too! This time my mum dropped me off at the bus stop to make sure I didn't miss it this time and sure enough I didn't!

With Jacqueline putting the heat on me to hurry up and get to AUT (she was waiting outside the building where the prefects were) as soon as the bus arrived in the city I jumped off and hit the ground running! I made my way to AUT Tower, before realising I went down the wrong road and was at the wrong place! So I ran back down Queen St and up another road, before I missed the turn and had to run back down and take the turn! Finally I got there and saw Jacqueline sitting there waiting for me. We sat there for a few minutes so I could catch my breath, and Mr Sizer (year 13 dean) came by. He told us our dean from last year stayed the night yesterday. He told us which level the prefects were on and so we made our way up there.

We were waiting outside the room in which they were in deciding what would be the best way to get in. Jacqueline tried ringing and texting Rebecca but she must've had her phone switched off, so we just decided we'd walk on in. When we did, I hope it came as a bit of a surprise to a few of the prefects to see us! They were working on their action plans for the separate groups. After going around saying 'Hi' to everyone, Jacqueline and I helped out with a few of the groups. Not too long after the prefects were given a bit of a break before they had to head back to the Marae for dinner. I was going to go off with Jacqueline to have a bit of a feed as I didn't think I would be allowed dinner, and so I walked with her up this big hill to go visit Connie first before Jacqueline said I could meet her at Sky City Metro. While I was walking back down the hill, I realised that AUT wasn't too far away, so I walked back there to join the group (and then quickly run back to Metro when Jacqueline texted me later!)

Back at the marae the Kelston Boys prefects were there mucking around. I caught up with a few of the village girls and some of the other prefects when Phoebe told me Mark was there! I used to go to primary school with Mark and hadn't seen him since Rangeview. Boy is he tall!! He and Phoebe got along well at camp. I think he was trying to match her up with one of the other Kelston prefects (some Korean guy). We'll have to see what arises from that! After talking to Mark for a while he pointed out to me that Paaka was at camp as well! Paaka also went to primary school with me as well! He, Chen, Mark , a few others and I used to play handball with each other at primary school. Paaka was one of my main rivals with his low skims and everything! Anyway we had a bit of a catch-up, kinda neglecting Phoebe a bit. At that time I was asked if I wanted to stay the night, so originally I thought that just what I had on me - my wallet, a pack of biscuits, camera, phone and the clothes on my back, would be good enough for me, when Patrick who was coming later to stay the night offered to pick some stuff up for me from my house on the way there.

Dinner tables were mixed with Rutherford and Kelston prefects. I sat at the table with Ruth, some really...different...white guy, Paaka and a few others. We had potatoes, meat, chicken and mashed pumpkin for dinner. On my way to the food table I met Eddie the Kelston Head Boy. It was really weird whenever I met any of the Kelston prefects. They would ask me if I was from Rutherford, and I would tell them I went to Rutherford last year, and they would have this weird reaction. When I told Eddie he asked me why I was at camp, and I just said that I was helping out. That was a bit of an awkward conversation! He walked off after that. For dessert we had ice-cream, fruit salad and truffle (I think that's what it's called?) but by the time I got to the food most of it was gone but that was OK!

After dinner the prefects had a little meeting with Mr Moore (the principal), Mr Coughlan (deputy principal) and Miss Nepe (a teacher helping out). They first gave a short self-introduction each, before the prefects put forward questions to the staff. After taking a few photos of the group Jacqueline and I just sat around nearly falling asleep. I think it went on for nearly half an hour! At that time Patrick had arrived at Youthtown, where the prefects would be staying the night. After the meeting we all walked back to Youthtown, with me and Jacqueline making a quick detour (I needed the toilet, Jacqueline wanted a coffee to keep herself awake). Even so, after meeting Ryan outside the Civic Theatre where he was about to attend some teachers workshop, we managed to catch up with the rear of the group and got back to Youthtown. I was really impressed with what I found inside the building! There were basketball courts, swimming pools, games room (with pool and table tennis tables) and dorms. I hung out with the group (my favourite people oh yeah!) playing cards. This guy from Kelston called Ben joined in a little while later. We played this name game where we had to give ourselves a name. In the game he joined in, we each had to choose an animal, and I chose cow. It's funny that the next day when he saw me, he said

"Hi Cow! (Sorry I can't remember your real name!)"

I had to take another toilet break later and went back up to the dorm afterwards to find everyone else coming back as well. Everyone had already chosen their beds. There were about eight bunk-beds in each 'cubicle'. I hadn't really chosen a bed when Adam asked me to help him get out of Youthtown so he could buy a drink at the nearby dairy, so I went with him outside and he bought me a Coke while he bought three big bottles of Coke as well. When I got back, everyone were in their pyjamas and just hanging around their beds. I came into the girls' 'cublicle' and just sat on Gwen's bed talking to Gwen and then Chen and then Phoebe as she was putting on her make-up (yeah sounds like Gwen's bed was a popular meeting place!) before it was time for lights out at 10.30. Gwen and I, who are used to sleeping late quickly jumped into the spare bed underneath Melissa's and just sat there whispering to each other while all the other girls and guys in the 'cubicle' on the other side of the wall were texting (you could see people's shadows!) till Miss Nepe popped her head in and told us to go to sleep. I just stayed in the bed while Gwen jumped back into hers.

Drinking Coke isn't good before bedtime, and not just because of the sugar! I thought my breath would stink, and so I wasn't too keen on sleeping till I had brushed my teeth! After texting Gwen and Chen for a little while (before they fell asleep) I tried to devise a way for me to get from bed to the toilet. There were two toilets, one at the other end of the aisle, and another one very close nearby. Getting off the bed was the first tricky bit! Jenna was sleeping on the bed right next to mine and because the mattresses had a sort of smooth leathery cover, any slight move made a sound. I waited for a little while after midnight when all was silent, then I made my move! I tiptoed back into Chen and Zahir's cubicle to quietly pick up my toothbrush and toothpaste and went into that nearby toilet. I switched on the light and then this whizzing sound started, so I quickly turned the lights off (I didn't want to wake anyone up!) I used my phone as a torch and brushed my teeth in the dark. Because I needed to go to the toilet afterwards (no I don't have a weak bladder!) I decided what the hell I'll just turn on the lights so I don't miss! After that I sneaked back quietly onto my bed. With no blanket and no pillow and Melissa's stuff at the end of the bed I was in for a long sleep!

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