Friday 2 February 2007

To 2007 Prefects: Why You Should Go to Camp

After talking to many of the 2007 prefects of Rutherford College, it seems as though hardly anyone is looking forward to the camp in two weeks time, which is something I can't understand! Last year our prefects group enjoyed camp so much we were begging for another one! (read of it here or here) Here are some reasons why camp ain't that bad and you guys should be looking forward to it:

- No school! No uniforms! You spend three days at AUT, mainly at the marae (where you'll have your meals and sleep), and possibly the business school and Akoranga Campus (North Shore)
- For most of the time you'll be together with the rest of the group apart from when you split up into little groups for games and activities
- You get to play many different games to improve teamwork and leadership skills. The AUT guys don't place huge expectations or apply heaps of pressure on you to perform and prove yourselves though. They already know you're worthy of being in the group since you've been chosen to be in it
- The AUT guys are really nice and funny! Through her own observations she was able to identify potential couples who ended up getting together during camp!
- While you may have to do a bit of public speaking practice, it's only in front of a group of 20 or so of your peers who aren't going to be judging you on what you say, and remember in the end it's all a bit of fun! What's the worst that could happen if you don't say the right thing?
- The food is great. We had Hell's Pizza, Subway, and for dinner we got to decide amongst ourselves what we wanted, and then Heather and I went out to Foodtown to buy the food!
- You get to choose which group you want to contribute to, e.g. Environmental Committee, Junior Council, marketing, Student Welfare, etc. so you get to do what you want to do. You'll probably spend some time working with the group drawing up mind-maps with possible ideas for the group and coming up with timeframes etc
- You DO get free time to hang around with fellow prefects
- You get to know your fellow prefects a whole lot better. We did this activity last year where we had to fill in this sheet answering questions such as what we thought of ourselves, what we thought other people's impressions of us were, what we needed to improve on, etc. and then pass the sheet to one other person to fill in about ourselves. We then shared with the whole group, and it was amazing how people were open and honest. We actually got to know each other heaps better after that!
- You guys will probably have the opportunity to go on a scavenger hunt around the city, where you have to find and do certain things (e.g. go busking, advertising, find symbols, etc)
- You will see a completely different side to The teachers/staff who come with you guys. Last year we saw Mrs Reid reading women's magazines in her sleeping bag at night, Mr Coughlan cracking jokes and Mrs Taylor teasing us.
- The facilities are really good. You've got clean showers with hot water, toilets, etc.

I'm sure there are millions of other reasons why there is nothing wrong with this camp, and I will add some more later! But remember guys it ain't so bad! Believe me it will be one of the highlights of your year 13 year, one that you will remember this year by, like the ball!

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