Saturday 26 February 2005

Week's End

I’m sorry (to all those who bother to visit this blog) for not updating as frequently as I have been in the past. I promise to update more often from now on.


Anyway finally it is the end of the week just as all the homework and assignments were beginning to build up! Researching for my debate has taken a considerable amount of my free time as well. I’m really starting to worry about it. We don’t have a team case, nor do we have main points assigned to each speaker! The debate against Diocesan Girls School (rich private girls’ school) is on Tuesday, so we’re in a lot of trouble. Dare I say it, but we’re screwed. On Monday our debating team will have a practice debate with Chen’s team, who are the affirmative team. I’m determined not to let a team of year 11 students beat us!


Hamish had his first taste of independence this week with his orientation day being held on Wednesday, and then the parents evening later that night. That day was the first time Hamish caught the bus into and out of the city all by himself. It was 5pm and he still wasn’t home! We started to get worried as we weren’t sure if he had caught the wrong bus to somewhere like Howick! Fortunately he did return home! He told me that all Auckland University Students Association members got free condoms and an FHM Magazine as a free welcome gift. Hamish missed out on this because he hadn’t joined yet. So our mum and Hamish went into the city the next day to both buy more books as well as join the AUSA. Because his mum was with him though (assumingly), he wasn’t given any condoms, and no FHM Magazine either. Instead our mum chose the magazines for him…Women’s Weekly!


I’ve nearly completed the first half of my six months’ worth of Isotane which is supposed to get rid of all the acne on my body, so I had to make a visit to the dermatologist after school yesterday. I let him know about all the side effects I’ve been experiencing lately, such as dry lips, dry skin, sore fingers, sore back…He simply told me not to worry as these were expected side effects and would cease once I was off medication. He then prescribed the next three months’ worth of pills for me. And so it continues…


Tomorrow will be the first time we have our violin lessons at 8:30am in the morning, after it had been moved from Tuesday. Straight after that we have to travel all the way to North Shore for our accordion lessons. After that we might pay a visit to the Chinese Lantern Festival at Albert Park. Many of my friends will be going tomorrow night so who knows who I might meet up with!



I’m really disappointed at the boy who appeared on ONE News, claiming that he passed his NCEA Level 3 school exams without writing a single word in his exam paper. He did not want his identity to be revealed for fear of losing his EXCELLENT marks which he did not deserve, but was apparently worried for other students who might not have been as lucky as he was and get their mark lowered. I found that hard to believe. Now that boy has been caught out for lying. He in fact asked to be paid in order for TVNZ to broadcast the news item about him! It is completely unacceptable for this boy to make false claims and to ‘stir the pot even more’, especially when enough blame has been put on NZQA.

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