Tuesday 1 February 2005

Bets Bets Bets

For some reason people keep making bets with me relating to my personal/social life. At least one bet is coming to an end – (with Zippo) to get a girlfriend by the end of the school holidays, stay together for a week and bring her to my house to meet Zippo. Originally, on the line was $5, then it was breakfast, and then it was helping Zippo with her NCEA English short story. I probably would help her out with her short story regardless of the outcome of the bet. However, school starts tomorrow, there is no chance of Phoebe coming to my house, so I have no choice to either pay Zippo $5 or make her breakfast.


In the last week or so, Diane made a deal with me that if she gets a boyfriend by the 1st of June (one that she really genuinely likes and wants to be with), I have to tell her five big secrets of mine. If she doesn’t she has to tell me her five biggest secrets. If I get a girlfriend (same rules apply) by the 1st of June, then she will tell me five big secrets and…you get the idea.


Just last night Disha, a friend of Diane’s, made a bet with me – to not like any girls or have any crushes for the whole of February. That should be easy…


So school starts tomorrow…well only for a half day for administrative things like taking our school ID photos, paying our school fees and sorting out options. I’m hoping that my ID photo this year won’t look as bad as last year’s. Last year my face looked like an orange. Literally it was orange! It must’ve been from all the light, but I guess that can’t be helped. I wouldn’t mind how bad my ID photo looks if it was only served that purpose – to be used for identification, but last year, our school reverted to putting each student’s photo ID in the school magazine (yearbook)! They had used class photos for the previous year’s school magazine, but I suppose since everyone was drenched from the rain in their class photo last year, they decided to use the ID photos. Mine made two appearances in the school magazine, as they had forgotten to take a photo of me for an article I wrote, and so instead they just put my school ID in there!




The world’s first Rock Paper Scissors Text Knockout Tournament is set to be held soon, with anyone owning a Telecom 027 mobile eligible to enter. After two weeks of competitions, the final eight players will battle it out on national television – C4. Whoever knew Rock Paper Scissors would become a televised sport? They’ve even got their own World RPS Society! Anyway it is free to enter the competition as long as you have an 027 mobile. I don’t, so I won’t be entering




As this post was typed, Katherine Rich, Welfare Spokeswoman for the National Party was dumped from the portfolio, dropped from No. 4 to 10 on the National Party list, and relegated from the front to second bench. This was the consequence for her dithering over whether she supported Don Brash’s ‘Orewa II’ speech last Tuesday. Last year as you may recall, the then Maori Affairs Spokeswoman Georgina Te Heu Heu got dumped from that portfolio for not supporting Don Brash’s first Orewa speech. One quote I really like comes from Prime Minister Helen Clark:

"I'm wondering what the next keynote speech is because the spokesperson must be quaking in their shoes."



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