Tuesday 22 February 2005

In full Swing

Last night was the first school Board of Trustees meeting I had since school had started. Usually I report good news to the board because I’m too afraid of upsetting them, but they asked me to find out what bad things the students thought of the school so they could get a good picture of how to improve the school. Fair enough. From today onwards I’ll be visiting some classes during form period to survey them on their opinions of how they think the school is doing. Interestingly after I spoke at the junior assembly last week, a few people have come up to me to ask if I’m the board person!


Yesterday also marked the start of cello lessons and string ensemble rehearsal for me. Today I signed up for the school choir (yeah I know you all think I’ve got a bad voice but if I am to try and promote school pride by encouraging student participation in extra-curricular activities, I might as well set an example!), and I’m thinking of signing up for the environmental group and SADD (Students Against Drink Driving). In all honesty, I would rather see it as being against drinking full stop, but we have to be realistic and set our sights on something more achievable.


Our Young Enterprise business has decided to sell flowers, so we all are going to contribute $5.00 each to the business, and then I will be responsible for buying about three sample plants with the money, and then testing our market (selling to the teachers).


Orchestra rehearsal is at quarter to eight tomorrow morning so I better get off to bed early! I’ve started a routine of waking up an hour early to do exercise before having a shower, eating breakfast and then going off to school. So far I haven’t been late!



The successful (to a certain degree) newsreading duo of John Campbell and Carol Hirshfield that have graced our screens weeknights on TV3 are no more. Let’s see how well Mike McRoberts and Hillary Barry will do. At current 3 News doesn’t rate as one of the national Top 10 most watched television shows, nor does it even rate in the Top 10 most watched TV3 shows either!

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