Friday 18 February 2005

One day the bad luck will run out

I’m definitely in no short supply of bad days.


Yesterday I got my first detention of the year for coming late to school (by only a few minutes may I add!). Aonghas managed to sneak into class and his teacher didn’t send him to the office to sign in only because he had a test! The detention required me to fill out this form asking me why I came late to school, how I can avoid it next time, and so on. I had to spend all morning tea filling it in, and once it was finished I’d be free to go. I fortunately did bits of it during class so I didn’t have to spend too much of my morning tea ;) Only two weeks have passed and I’ve already had one detention…I’ve got to get seven more to beat Hamish’s record last year!


I was then relegated to 3rd speaker on the debating team because the other two in the debating team didn’t want to be the 3rd speaker (even though I’ve used the word ‘relegated’, it’s not as though 3rd speaker is any worse than the other speaking positions. I’ve just favoured 1st position because you get to open and close your team’s argument, and as for 3rd speaker you don’t really make such a substantial point but instead spend most of your time on rebuttal). Anyway I’m sure I can be flexible and adapt to whatever position I’m assigned (or should I say consigned?) to.


After school I was ‘verbally abused’ by Szelin (nah not really!), shouting out to me as she went up the driveway with her family in the car



I can assure everyone that the fault cannot rest solely on me for the deaths of our two goldfish and canaries! It is a near-certain possibility that they could’ve died due to natural causes! Despite rumours circulating around the place regarding our kitten’s health, our kitten, now named ‘Meow-Meow’, is perfectly healthy. We were worried at one stage because it wasn’t as lively as it used to be, it didn’t get excited when it’s father Tess came home, and it also slept for most of the day. Now she/he is back to his/her usual self.


Szelin rang me late last night to interrogate me on the kitten’s health. After that she asked me if her friends had been chatting to me less lately. Ever since she added me to a conversation with her and her friends by accident, her friends added me and started chatting to me on MSN, but recently I noticed how they weren’t as talkative as they used to be. I realised why when Szelin told me that her friends checked out my school’s magazine from last year and she showed them what I looked like. Typical…but didn’t come as a surprise. As I’ve said before, I’m used to all this by now. Evil evil women


After I came off the phone (I was outside at the time), I turned round to go back into the house to hang up the phone, but didn’t look where I was going. Before I knew it I lost my balance and landed myself in the rose bush. Now my right arm is covered in scratches. My friends thought the cat inflicted the wounds on me! When I came inside, she was more worried about the rose bush than me!


Today I spoke at the junior assembly, introducing myself as the school’s student rep on the BOT. Before I even had the chance to say anything, the principal introduced me by basically saying everything I was going to say! In the end I had to ad lib it all. Man it really feels uncomfortable sitting up on stage, with 600 kids staring at you.


Swimming sports was on today, and my Calculus teacher was helping out which meant we would have a free 6th period. It was not to be though. Swimming sports managed to finish earlier than expected and so I found myself in 6th period doing maths!

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