My mum's church group decided to go on a little outing today since it's Easter and All! Our destination: Waitakere Ranges!
We all met up at church just to check if everyone knew where to go. Of course we were once again the last to arrive. They were about to leave without us!
Aonghas had his GPS so we used that to help us get to the park, while we had a car or two following us!
We got to the park and others were already there. Once we got our stuff sorted, it was time to hike!
Before we could enter the bushes though we had to wash our shoes with some special chemicals that were at the entrance to prevent the spread of some sort of disease or something.
The bush walk was quite relaxing, with the trees and nature all around us, and the forest noise around us!
Our first destination was the Cascade Falls. We had high expectations of some great waterfall, but as soon as we got to the rocks we had to climb over to get to, we realised it wasn't much of a waterfall, more like a piddle of water!
The rocks were quite slippery and so it was a little dangerous climbing up them just to see that small little waterfall. Some got quite high up though!
We made our way back into the forest, not really having any aim now except to make it to the end of the walk and back to our cars for lunch!
We came across the Anderson Track along the way as well!
Once we made it out of the forest, we got our lunch out and all sat together in the park to eat. We happened to find an area that was sloping and full of bees and wasps so it wasn't the most pleasant places to eat!
We started off with some singing before we all got into our food.
After lunch we just played around on the field, trying to find creative ways to entertain ourselves. We tried rolling a soccer ball down the hill and between the legs of someone at the bottom of the hill. We also played rollie-pollies!
Finally we had a game of capture the flag! That took a lot of out of me! I probably should step it up a bit at the gym!
It was still quite early when everyone decided it was time to go home. For us younger people though we felt as if the day wasn't over just yet! Some of us guys decided to meet up later this evening (with Grace joining in) to watch a movie. We had a hard time deciding what to watch between Sucker Punch and Fast and the Furious 5 (we couldn't watch Paul as it was R13 and I forgot my ID!). Even our coin and iPod couldn't make a decision for us! We ended up going with Sucker Punch and it wasn't too bad!