Yep that's Shen and me in front of the clothesline that we broke while playing basketball
So I'll be waiting! (It probably was an automated reply!)
Voting forms for head boy and head girl were distributed today. Knowing that the principal has the final say on who becomes headboy and headgirl, apparently students think I'll definitely get headboy and so they're taking the headboy contest as one for deputy headboy and so they aren't voting for me but for other people. Lord all I ask is for at least one vote...My friend also told me today that after school on the bus he asked this guy who he was voting. He replied:"Well my form class is definitely not voting for Calum"When my friend asked why, he said:"Because Calum has pi$$ed everyone around and hasn't done anything anyone has asked him to do"Yeah that's a bit of a spirit-killer. It made me rethink why I was going for headboy in the first place and whether working for students and doing all the stuff I have for them for the past three years has been worth it when people treat you like this. Then again, this is what politics is all about.What made today worse for me was I had to perform at this music performance, and I completely stuffed it up.It's times like these the only thing you can really do is *think of happy thoughts think of happy thoughts*
한국학교 장학생 5명 선발 |
우수학생 몰려 당초 3명에서 2명 더 늘려 |
선데이타임즈 article@sundaytimes.co.nz |
오클랜드 한국학교(교장 계춘숙)가 당초 계획보다 2명이 더 늘어난 5명의 장학생을 선발했다.
(사진 왼쪽부터)독고이랑, 신종하, 오현석, 오준석, 김지현 학생 |
Korean school scholarship student 5 person selections
2 people compared to it increases from rainwater student being pursued very first time 3 people,
The Oakland Korean school (principal total Choon Soog) 2 people the very first time plan than compared to selected the scholarship student of 5 people which increase.
The scholarship student selection which it is executing in link of the vision 2020 was last year and at this year 1st document mind and the2nd interview back it passed by the mind which is strict second and it was decided.
The Korean school side even in last year like that this year in the wind where the rainwater students are pursued great movement specially increased with 5 people and but it selected and it revealed.
The student who is selected the poison nicely Rang (Oakland university1 grade), Kim Ji Hyun (Rangitoto College F7), 오현석(Rutherford College F6), 오준석(Rutherford College F6), 신종하(King's College F5) 학생 등이다 .
The drought disaster tube scholarship student selection chairman of a committee the student whom it supports with the scholarship student all was displaying the talent which superior extends in studies record and many sidedness and a service spirit and hides a superiority or inferiority was strenuous very and it revealed a mind impression.
The total Choon Soog principal 3~4 three time the emigration it came in spite of the result which the Korean school comes and goes until a custody couple sprouting middle class grade steadily it gathers the record which is excellent even from of course local school it will be able to confirm the thing which seeks an office the Korean language with the pronunciation which is accurate and it talked the result which is possible because the sincere result positive characteristic of the students and the parents had become underlay
Right the flag BOT design which it gives yearly will encourage the fine Korean students and it revealed that in the future the hazard which it supports the place best which develops the encouragement of learning system more it will finish.
One side the students who are selected come and when being young, the necessity and an importance of duplex language and the now when the school it comes and goes with hundred million Ji in inducement of the parents but they comprehend it talked that to the parents thanks they give, the school it conveyed sympathetically.
Scholarship presentation ceremony 15th morning 10:00 30 minute northern part campus auditorium (Sunnybrae Normal School-36 SunnybraeRd. Takapuna)에서 열린다.
(From the photograph left side) the poison nicely Rang, Under new species, Five present three, Five three which it gives, Kim Ji present student
School's started again, with only five weeks left till the proper proper NCEA exams, and I'm worried! I'm fast running out of time, and am not at all ready, especially for physics! To make things worse there are all these distractions - four internal assessments next week: Chinese writing, music solo and group performance and English monologue thing. I just got asked today to perform at a charity performance next Tuesday as well which will add to it all, although I suppose it'll help me prepare for my NCEA solo performance.
Head student elections will also kick-off next week. There are five girls running for headgirl (Kirsty, Renee, Heather, Jane and Joanne) and five guys running for headboy (Shen, Patrick, Hyun, Ryan S and me). Everyone who put their name down for the student leader group (which was predominantly students from the kaleidoscope class with the exclusion of two!) will most likely end up in the student leader group, which is cool because I don't think I could stand to see anyone have their hopes dashed or anyone split up from their friends (I know it probably isn't a big deal for some but yeah I feel bad about a lot of things!) Anyway next Monday at assembly all of us will most likely give a few words to the senior school before they vote in an indicator vote (the teachers also have a chance to vote and the principal makes the final decision).
It hit me today though that it's looking like an uphill battle for me to become headboy, as I'm up against some very able guys! If you get the most votes, it's most likely the principal will go with you and so you're a bit screwed if you don't. I was talking about this to my mum on the way home today and my mum suggested that if I don't get headboy I could maybe try apply for university instead. That could be an option...apart from a bit of extra knowledge and friends (not so sure about that one!) there isn't exactly a lot for me to stay around for. If I manage to pass all my level 3 assessments I might be able to get enough credits to pass NCEA Level 3 (but that's a long shot!), and if I go to university I'd be able to do all my university studies and finish a year earlier as well. Then again, I still have no idea what I would study at university, so that will most likely see me stay for year 13 regardless!
My family got a bit of a reality check and decided to do a bit of home maintenance, starting with our clothesline. When my brothers and I were little we liked to swing on stuff like our gate and our clothesline, so if you're lucky enough to visit our house, you will notice our slightly slanted gate, and our leaning clothesline! Our mum should probably thank us for that, or else she wouldn't have been able to reach the clothesline!
Anyway our clothesline has this handle that you can wind, that makes the clothesline higher or lower. Over the years it has rusted and has been stuck, so my dad decided he would try fix it. We took the clothesline apart and got rid of a bit of rust, and after a bit of cleaning we put the clothesline back together again and tested it out. It moved up a little bit! Although all our work was for nothing when later in the day, Aonghas, who woke up once we had all finished, came outside to play basketball and noticed the handle at a different angle than it was the day before. He thought he'd try twist it and broke the handle off!