Saturday 6 August 2011

Multiple Birthdays

Tonight we went to our cousins' place to celebrate several birthdays in the family. In August our cousins Martyn, Greg, Graeme and our Aunty Noeline all have their birthdays quite close together. We decided to celebrate them all together at one dinner. It was just our luck that the dinner happened to be on the night the All Blacks played against the Wallabies, as our cousins have Sky TV!

We were all there except Martyn, as he was in hospital after getting an abscess on his chin! That was quite a shock as he had been in hospital since Wednesday and it was the first time we had heard of it! He has been isolated though and will have to have surgery some time though, but it sounds like he's doing OK.

The dinner made us all full as usual, with food such as chop sooey, fried rice and various kinds of meat. We all caught up as we ate dinner.

The birthday cake came out not too long after, probably so we could get it out and have dessert before the game started! The cake was a nice pink one. It's not good for you but I enjoyed the cream! While I managed to pace myself with dinner, I had one big bowl of dessert and went for seconds but didn't last very long! I was struggling to finish, but determined to eat it all so I wouldn't waste their food!

The rugby game then started and we were all cheering on the All Blacks except our Uncle Peter who wanted the Wallabies to win! Fortunately the All Blacks won and we all went home happy!

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