Saturday 23 July 2011

Primary School Memories at a 21st

What a busy day it was for us! First it was the zoo, then we had a 21st birthday party in the evening! It was Danielle's 21st birthday. She was in Aonghas's year at primary school, so we've known her since waaaay back!

When we got there we didn't know too many people, but recognised a few such as our old deputy primary school Mr Wh...I mean Warren (by the end of the night he wanted us to call him by his first name!). We talked to him quite a bit tonight and he was quite open with us about his views on how the school ran!

We also caught up with a few old primary school friends we hadn't seen in a long time!

As we went up the stairs, we could hear classical music and initially thought it was a CD recording, but when we reached the venue, we discovered it was a string quartet featuring Danielle! They played some very lovely music!

There was plenty of food so we helped ourselves, before the speeches started.

Danielle's dad first gave a speech, reading out a poem he had read to her. This was followed by a speech given by her best primary school friend Katrina and a speech and song written and sung by her older sister Juanita.

They then played a little video they had put together for her, featuring various friends leaving messages for her. It was quite amusing!

They all shared stories and talked about how caring and friendly Danielle is, and I'd have to agree with them!

After the speeches, we returned to mixing and mingling before the birthday cake was brought out and we all sang Happy Birthday to her!

Supper was brought out, which included a lot of sweet and yummy food!

All the ex-Henderson Primary School gradually got together and we managed to get a group photo!

The night was soon over and while the weather wasn't great outside, the night inside was great!

Happy 21st Birthday Danielle!

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