Tuesday 19 July 2011

Hello My Vaio!

After a month of deciding, I finally decided to go with the Sony Vaio!

I went to JB HiFi yesterday to ask someone what they thought was better between a Macbook Pro 13" vs Sony Vaio SB 16 Series. The lady reckoned the Macbook Pro was the best. She also told me about a cost+GST sale that would be taking place the following night (tonight), and that I'd be able to get either at a lower price.

So all night I was deciding which one I should go with, trying to get Aonghas to help out with my dilemma. Today, I took Aonghas with me to JB HiFi after work to check out the sales. It was really packed! I managed to find someone, and after a bit of a think, I finally decided to go with the Sony Vaio! It's not like I'd use iOS anyway!

I spent about 10-15 minutes in the huge queue, but finally I bought the laptop, and we went home quickly so I could make it in time for a music rehearsal at church!

Introducing the new member of my family...

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