Saturday 26 July 2008

Working Harder!

It's amazing - I've only fallen asleep during one lecture this week! That must be a new record for me! It was a pretty good week overall. So far I'm keeping up with all my lectures (even though most of them are introductory lectures!), but it hasn't been without a little bit of difficulty. I've been spending my four hour breaks falling asleep for an hour before being awake enough to concentrate on studying!

Once again this semester I have early morning starts and I finish at 4pm on most days. Because I take this pharmacology paper with Zahir (old school friend) first up in the morning, we have been catching the bus into the city on most mornings and power-walking our way up K' Road to Grafton. He's also in my Biosci lecture stream so I've been seeing him quite a lot this semester! I've also been catching up with some of my first year pharmacy friends a bit more than once a week like last semester. I caught up with Hannah (a first year pharmacy friend) after my Biosci lecture on Tuesday and walked with her to the bus stop and learnt a lot more about her!

I also managed to catch up with the Rutherford gang - Zahir, Alex, Gwen and Chen in the past week (the exact day eludes me though!) which was cool because they're always fun to be around!

I got to sleep in yesterday since I had my first lab class at 10am, and so I caught a later bus into the city, and Phoebe happened to catch the same bus! So I managed to catch up with her. We walked to the city campus and I crossed paths with Jennifer, this girl from my Sunday School class and when she called out to me she had to pause to think what my name was!! I'm going to have to get her back for that at church tomorrow!

I've had two labs in the past week, one for Pharmacy Practice and one for Biosci. I can't really say much for Biosci, it was extremely boring! At least I got to sit at the same table group as my first year pharmacy friends! Pharmacy Practice lab was quite cool though. We got to make DRUGS!! We got to make capsules and an ointment. I got to be partners with Ai Ping, this pharmacy friend which is quite cool. Making capsules is quite though. It just takes soooo long! You've got to fill each individual capsule with powder using these spatulas, then you have to weigh each one of them! It took us about an hour to make ten capsules each. Just imagine how long it'd take to make 100!

I've been trying to develop a bit of a routine in the past week where I spend my long break revising what I've just learnt and reading ahead, as well as trying to memorise everything. After my final lecture at 4pm I'd catch the bus to Grafton and do a bit of study and homework at the Philson Library over there. I've now discovered that it's a lot faster to walk to the K' Road bus stop than to catch a bus back to the city and walk to the bus stop at Sky City! The only thing is K' Road is quite dodgy at night!

Last night we had youth group with it being 'activities night'. We were to finish our display board for the church foyer and then play some games during the second half of the night. To start off though Aonghas and I had to lead the singing. Usually no one sings except for the adults who run the group and probably Aonghas, me and a couple of girls, so Aonghas and I decided we'd sing something a little contemporary and try get them to stand up and join us as we added some actions! We found this song called Jesus You're my Superhero (yeah it's a bit of a kiddy song but hey when it's got Yu Gi Oh in it then it must be good!!) and danced to it and added some actions and some actually joined in, with one of the adults asking for a copy of the song so she could get the little kids in the children's Sunday School class to sing it!

We also played some games which involved getting into two teams and competing against each other in mental and physical challenges. I was pitted against another girl in seeing who could try sing 'laaa' the longest, and I beat her! Yay!!

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