Monday 21 July 2008

Catching Up

Today was the first day back at uni for the second semester of 2008, and it was going so well for me...till BIOSCI106...

I caught the bus into the city with my old school friend Zahir and discovered some happyhappyjoyjoy stuff! Yay!!

My first lecture was a Pharmacy Practice lecture from 8-10am and I stayed awake throughout the whole time. It was actually quite fun, since it's actually 'pharmacist' stuff we're learning! After my lecture we were walking to the cafe and there were all these 1st years all around us probably going to their MEDSCI lab (which involves dissecting rats), including our favourite 1st year pharm class rep Eliza!

I was going to join my friends when I came across Nikki, one of my friends from Rutherford and probably the first ex-Rutherford friend I've caught up with in months! I ended up sitting with her and her friend Maria, who are both starting nursing this semester. It's pretty cool because now there are more Rutherford people at Grafton! It turns out Nikki's friend knows a girl from Rutherford who used to go to school with us and is extremely good at the piano! Nikki's friend also sorta looks like this Korean girl who used to go to my high school yeeears ago before she went back to Korea, and was a reeeally good singer!

Anyway they had to go off to their first nursing lecture, and I went off to another Pharmacy Practice lecture, and once it was over I caught up with them for lunch and afterwards took them to the museum upstairs as I had promised to (it's a good way to impress girls too haha). The drawcard too was the severed hand with burn marks after whoever owned the hand grabbed hold of a high voltage power line. That really grossed them out! I'm sure a year from now it'll be nothing to them, especially since nurses get to see dead bodies!!

They had to go to another lecture afterwards, and so I went back into the city for my BIOSCI lecture (which I arrived late to because of the bus!) and I fell asleep! That destroys my clean sheet for semester two! Fortunately I've already read over that lecture weeks ago so hopefully I haven't missed too much! I caught the bus back to Grafton to do a bit more study when I caught up with Hannah, another first year pharmacy student which was cool too!

Yesterday at church I got a little surprise too when Angie showed up for the first time since the beginning of the year! Her friend wasn't going to church with her so she came to that's why!! But it was a good catch-up with her. After Sunday school our families ended up sitting at the same table for lunch. Our mums are in the same Sunday school class too so they know each other as well. I've tried encouraging Angie to come to our youth group but we'll see what happens!

Anyway time to sleep early! For the past few days I've been preparing for bed at about 10.30pm and ending up getting into bed at 11pm and sleeping before midnight. I'm a bit behind schedule tonight so I'm off!

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