Monday 7 July 2008

Wild Weather

Boy has the weather been crazy! In the past few days it has rained, then stopped, then rained, then stopped, then hailed HEAVILY! It is kinda cool when you're in bed at night, it just makes you want to sleep!

The downside to all this is that it is really freezing!! Of course we don't have it as bad as those down south do, but it is pretty bad compared to much of what we're used to! Our house certainly doesn't help either. Because it is an old house, it only has insulation in the roof but not in the walls, so it is a lot colder inside than in other houses. We've only just started making use of the fireplace.

It's now week two of the holidays and I don't think I've really accomplished too much! I have been reading up a little bit on biochemistry, seeing as people say it's tricky and it definitely sounds uber boring!

I've also started trying to sort out our computer. It's as messy as our house! We have about seven hard drives and our videos, photos and documents are everywhere, which isn't very good when you're trying to do video editing but can't find the video you want! I ended up spending all day shifting things around. It's really weird how it says there are five days remaining, but the files shift in ten minutes! It has been interesting having a look at what we have lying around on our hard drives as I've found some photos and videos I haven't seen in aaaages!

I briefly caught up with my friend Jacqueline at West City yesterday and tonight I talked to my friend Diane on the phone for a while which was cool! She's up in Auckland till the end of this week for her uni holiday before she has to go back to Palmerston North (I feel soooo sooo sorry for her!) to study, so I'll have to catch up with her sometime before she leaves or else I won't be seeing her again till the end of the year!

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